How do I handle CAPTCHAs when scraping Trustpilot?

Handling CAPTCHAs when scraping websites like Trustpilot can be challenging because CAPTCHAs are specifically designed to prevent automated access, which includes scraping. While scraping publicly accessible data for personal use can sometimes be within legal boundaries, bypassing CAPTCHAs might violate the website's terms of service or even legal regulations, so it's crucial to review these terms and ensure compliance with any applicable laws.

Here are some general strategies to deal with CAPTCHAs:

1. Respect the Site's Terms of Service

Before attempting any kind of scraping, especially on a site that uses CAPTCHAs, you should read and respect the website's terms of service. If the website does not allow scraping, you should not attempt it.

2. Use a Headless Browser

Sometimes, websites present CAPTCHAs based on suspicious activity. Using a headless browser with realistic browsing patterns can sometimes prevent the CAPTCHA from being triggered. However, this is not a guaranteed method, and it might not work for all websites.

3. CAPTCHA Solving Services

There are services available that can solve CAPTCHAs for you, such as Anti-CAPTCHA or 2Captcha. These services use human labor or advanced algorithms to solve CAPTCHAs, and you can integrate them into your scraping script. Here is a hypothetical example in Python using the 2captcha-python library:

from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha

solver = TwoCaptcha('YOUR_API_KEY')

    result = solver.normal('path/to/captcha/image.png')
    # or if you have the URL of the CAPTCHA image
    # result = solver.normal('')

    # result['code'] will have the CAPTCHA solution
    captcha_solution = result['code']

    # Use the solution in your form submission or as required

except Exception as e:

This code is just an example, and actual implementation will depend on the specific CAPTCHA type and how it's integrated into the website.

4. Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Some simpler CAPTCHAs can be solved using OCR technology. Libraries like Tesseract can convert images to text, which might work for some CAPTCHAs. However, modern CAPTCHAs are designed to be resistant to OCR.

5. Manual Solving

In some cases, you might choose to manually solve the CAPTCHA as it appears. This approach is not scalable but can be used for small-scale scraping tasks.

6. Avoid Detection

The following practices can help minimize the chance of triggering a CAPTCHA:

  • Rate Limiting: Make requests at a slower rate to mimic human behavior.
  • User Agents: Rotate user agents to reduce the chance of being flagged as a bot.
  • IP Rotation: Use a proxy rotation service to change IP addresses and avoid IP-based blocking.
  • Cookies and Sessions: Maintain cookies and sessions as a normal browser would to appear less suspicious.
  • JavaScript Rendering: Some scraping tools can render JavaScript like a real browser, which may help avoid detection.

7. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Bypassing CAPTCHAs may be illegal or unethical, as it goes against the purpose of CAPTCHAs—preventing automated access. Always ensure that your scraping activities comply with the law and the website's terms of service.


While there are methods to handle CAPTCHAs, scraping a website like Trustpilot should be done with caution and within legal boundaries. If you require data from Trustpilot for legitimate purposes, consider reaching out to them directly to see if they provide an official API or data access service that meets your needs.

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