How do I cache responses with Alamofire while scraping?

Caching responses while scraping with Alamofire can be quite useful to reduce network traffic and speed up the process, as it prevents your app from making redundant network calls for data that hasn't changed. Alamofire, an HTTP networking library written in Swift for iOS and Mac, leverages the HTTP protocol's built-in support for caching but also allows you to customize the caching behavior.

To cache responses with Alamofire, you will typically interact with the URLCache shared instance or create a custom instance of URLCache and set it for your Session. Here's how you can do that:

Step 1: Configure URLCache

You can configure the URLCache with a specific memory and disk capacity:

let memoryCapacity = 50 * 1024 * 1024 // 50 MB
let diskCapacity = 100 * 1024 * 1024 // 100 MB
let cache = URLCache(memoryCapacity: memoryCapacity, diskCapacity: diskCapacity, diskPath: "myDiskPath")

Step 2: Set the URLCache for the Alamofire Session

When you create an instance of Session, you can pass the custom URLCache:

let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.requestCachePolicy = .returnCacheDataElseLoad // or another policy that fits your needs
configuration.urlCache = cache

let session = Session(configuration: configuration)

Step 3: Make Requests with Alamofire

When making a request, you can specify the cache policy in the request headers if needed:

let headers: HTTPHeaders = [.cacheControl("max-age=120")] // Example header to control cache

session.request("", headers: headers).responseJSON { response in
    switch response.result {
    case .success(let data):
        // Handle the data from the response
    case .failure(let error):
        // Handle the error

Step 4: Handle the Cached Response

Alamofire and URLCache handle the response caching automatically based on the HTTP headers provided by the server (like Cache-Control, Last-Modified, and ETag). If the server's response indicates that the response can be cached, URLCache will store it according to the server-provided headers or the cache policy you set.


  • The cache policy returnCacheDataElseLoad will return the cached data if it exists, regardless of its age or expiration date. If there is no cached data, it will load the data from the network.
  • Make sure the server you are scraping from supports caching and that it's legally and ethically acceptable to cache its responses.
  • Be aware of the legal implications of web scraping. Always comply with the website's terms of service and robot.txt file.
  • To respect rate limits and avoid being blocked, consider adding delays between requests or using other scraping best practices.

Example of Custom Response Handler

If you want to handle the caching manually, you may choose to create a custom response handler that checks if a response is cached and then decides whether to use the cached data or fetch new data.

session.request("").responseData { response in
    if let data = {
        // Use the data from the network
    } else if let cachedResponse = URLCache.shared.cachedResponse(for: response.request!) {
        // Use the cached data
    } else {
        // Handle the error or lack of data

Remember that response caching is a complex topic, and the exact implementation will depend on your specific requirements. Make sure to read the Alamofire documentation and the HTTP specification for caching to fully understand how to implement response caching correctly in your application.

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