How can I avoid being blocked while scraping Aliexpress?

Scraping websites like AliExpress can be particularly challenging due to their sophisticated anti-bot measures. These measures can include IP rate limiting, CAPTCHA challenges, browser fingerprinting, and more. To avoid being blocked while scraping, you need to make your scraping activities resemble normal human browsing behavior as closely as possible. Below are several strategies that you can employ to minimize the chances of being blocked:

  1. User Agents: Rotate user agents to mimic different browsers and devices. This prevents the website from flagging all requests as coming from a single source.

  2. IP Rotation: Use proxies to rotate your IP addresses. Getting blocked is often tied to an IP address, so by changing it, you can avoid detection.

  3. Request Timing: Space out your requests to avoid hitting the server with a high volume of requests in a short time frame.

  4. Referer Headers: Include Referer headers in your requests to make them look like they're coming from a legitimate source within the site.

  5. Cookies: Maintain session cookies as a normal browser would. This can make your scraping activity appear more like that of a legitimate user.

  6. Headless Browsers: Use tools like Puppeteer, Playwright, or Selenium that allow you to control a web browser and execute JavaScript, which can be necessary for scraping modern web applications.

  7. CAPTCHA Solving Services: If you encounter CAPTCHAs, you can use CAPTCHA solving services to bypass them, though this may have legal and ethical implications.

  8. Respect robots.txt: While not legally binding, respecting the website's robots.txt file can help you avoid scraping pages that the website owner has requested not be scraped.

  9. Scrape During Off-Peak Hours: If possible, schedule your scraping during hours when the website's traffic is lower to reduce the chance of being noticed.

  10. Browser Fingerprinting Avoidance: Use tools that can help minimize browser fingerprinting, such as switching off web features that are not necessary for scraping or using browser extensions that randomize your fingerprint.

Here is a basic Python example using requests and fake_useragent for user-agent rotation:

import requests
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
from time import sleep
from itertools import cycle

# Initialize a UserAgent object
ua = UserAgent()

# List of proxies to rotate
proxies = [
    # ... more proxies ...
proxy_pool = cycle(proxies)

# Function to make a request using a random User-Agent and a rotated proxy
def make_request(url):
        proxy = next(proxy_pool)
        headers = {'User-Agent': ua.random}
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies={"http": proxy, "https": proxy})
        return response
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print(f"Request failed: {e}")

# Example usage
url = ''
response = make_request(url)

if response:
    # Process the page content

# Wait between requests

Important Considerations:

  • Ethical and Legal Concerns: Always consider the ethical and legal implications of web scraping. Make sure you're not violating the terms of service of the website or any applicable laws.

  • Rate Limiting: Even with all these strategies, websites may still impose rate limits. If you encounter 429 HTTP status codes (Too Many Requests), you'll need to adjust your scraping speed or tactics accordingly.

  • Dynamic Content: For dynamically loaded content via JavaScript, you might need to resort to headless browsers or similar tools that can execute JavaScript.

  • Be Respectful: Always try to minimize the load on the target server. Scrape during off-peak hours and try to limit the frequency of your requests.

Remember that despite your best efforts, there is always a risk of being blocked when scraping websites like AliExpress. Proceed with caution and always adhere to the terms of service and legal requirements of the website you are scraping.

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WebScraping.AI provides rotating proxies, Chromium rendering and built-in HTML parser for web scraping