How can I scrape data from the Aliexpress mobile app?

Scraping data from mobile apps, such as the AliExpress mobile app, can be significantly more complex than scraping data from websites. This is because mobile apps often use proprietary APIs and protocols to communicate with their servers, which are not as straightforward to interact with as standard web protocols like HTTP/HTTPS.

Moreover, scraping data from mobile apps can raise legal and ethical issues, particularly if it violates the terms of service of the app or if the data is protected by copyright or other intellectual property laws. Before attempting to scrape data from any app, it's imperative to review the app's terms of service and privacy policy to ensure you're not violating any rules or laws.

If you decide to proceed, here's a general outline of steps you might take to scrape data from a mobile app like AliExpress:

1. Analyze Network Traffic

First, you need to analyze the network traffic between the mobile app and its servers. This typically involves using a tool to intercept and inspect the traffic from your mobile device.

Tools you can use:

  • Wireshark: A network protocol analyzer that can capture network packets.
  • Charles Proxy: A proxy server that allows you to view all of the HTTP and SSL/HTTPS traffic between your machine and the internet.
  • mitmproxy: An interactive man-in-the-middle proxy for HTTP and HTTPS with a console interface.


a. Set up the proxy tool on your computer. b. Configure your mobile device to use your computer as a proxy. c. Start the proxy tool's recording feature. d. Use the AliExpress app as you normally would while the proxy tool records the traffic. e. Stop recording and analyze the recorded traffic to identify API endpoints and data formats.

2. Reverse-engineer the API (if possible)

Once you've identified the API endpoints, you can attempt to reverse-engineer how the app's API works. Pay attention to:

  • Request methods (GET, POST, etc.)
  • Endpoint URLs
  • Required headers (such as authentication tokens)
  • Body data structures for POST/PUT requests
  • Query parameters for GET requests

3. Write a Scraper

After understanding the API, you can write a script to scrape the data.

Python Example:

import requests

# Endpoint URL and parameters identified from reverse-engineering the app's API
url = ''
params = {
    'item_id': '1234567890',
    'api_key': 'your_api_key',  # You'll need to find out the required API key, if any

response = requests.get(url, params=params)

if response.status_code == 200:
    data = response.json()
    print("Failed to retrieve data:", response.status_code)

4. Consider Legal and Ethical Implications

Remember that reverse-engineering an app's private API, bypassing authentication, or ignoring rate limits can be against the app's terms of service. Unauthorized scraping can potentially lead to legal action against you or the termination of your account with the service.

Alternative Approach - Use a Web Version

If there's a web version of AliExpress available, it might be easier and more legally sound to scrape data from there, as traditional web scraping techniques (like using requests in Python or fetch in JavaScript) can be employed. Always check the robots.txt file of the website to see what's allowed to be scraped.

In summary, scraping data from a mobile app like AliExpress is a complex task that requires careful consideration of legal and ethical aspects. It involves analyzing network traffic to reverse-engineer the app's API and then writing a scraper to programmatically access the data. However, it's crucial to ensure you comply with all relevant laws and terms of service before attempting to scrape data from any app.

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