Can you rate limit your API requests and why would you do so?

Yes, you can rate limit your API requests, and there are several reasons why you might choose to do so:

  1. Avoid Exceeding API Rate Limits: Many APIs, particularly third-party services, impose rate limits to prevent abuse and ensure that their services remain responsive for all users. By rate limiting your requests, you can stay within these limits and avoid being temporarily banned or facing additional charges.

  2. Reduce Server Load: If you're scraping a website or using an API that you control, rate limiting can help prevent your server from being overloaded with too many simultaneous requests which could lead to performance degradation or even downtime.

  3. Comply with Legal and Ethical Considerations: When scraping websites, it's important to respect the terms of service of the site and to not disrupt their normal operation. Rate limiting is a way to ensure your scraping activities are less likely to be considered hostile or to have negative impacts on the site.

  4. Distribute Traffic Evenly: In some cases, you might want to distribute your API calls more evenly over a period of time to reduce peak load or to ensure that data is updated at a consistent rate.

How to Rate Limit API Requests

In Python

One way to rate limit API requests in Python is by using the time.sleep() function from the time module to add delays between your requests. Here's a simple example:

import time
import requests

rate_limit = 1  # seconds between requests
api_endpoint = ""

for i in range(10):  # making 10 API requests
    response = requests.get(api_endpoint)
    # Process your response here
    time.sleep(rate_limit)  # wait for rate_limit seconds before the next request

For more sophisticated rate limiting, you can use libraries like ratelimit or requests_throttler.

In JavaScript (Node.js)

In Node.js, you can use the setTimeout() function to delay the execution of subsequent requests. Here's an example using axios for making HTTP calls:

const axios = require('axios');
const rateLimit = 1000; // milliseconds between requests

const makeRequest = async () => {
    try {
        const response = await axios.get('');
    } catch (error) {

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    setTimeout(makeRequest, rateLimit * i);

For more advanced rate limiting in Node.js, consider using libraries like bottleneck or p-ratelimit.

Using a Proxy Server

Another approach to rate limiting is to use a proxy server that can handle rate limiting on behalf of your application. This could be a custom solution or a service like nginx with rate limiting features, or it could be a cloud service that provides API gateways with built-in rate limiting options.


Rate limiting is an important aspect of responsible API consumption and web scraping. It helps maintain service quality, abide by the rules of API providers, and ensure your applications do not cause unintended harm to the services they interact with. Always make sure to read and understand the rate limits imposed by the API provider and design your applications to adhere to those limits.

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