How do I select sibling elements using Beautiful Soup?

In Beautiful Soup, you can select sibling elements using several methods provided by the library. Sibling elements are those elements that are on the same level of the DOM tree, having the same parent element. Here are a few ways to select sibling elements using Beautiful Soup:

Using .next_sibling and .previous_sibling

These properties allow you to navigate between sibling elements directly.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

html_doc = """
  <p>Paragraph 1</p>
  <p>Paragraph 2</p> <!-- Let's say we want to select this element -->

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')

# Select the first paragraph
first_paragraph = soup.find('p')

# Get the next sibling of the first paragraph (which is a '\n' newline)
newline = first_paragraph.next_sibling

# Get the next sibling of the newline, which is the second paragraph
second_paragraph = newline.next_sibling


Using .find_next_sibling() and .find_previous_sibling()

These methods allow you to find the next or previous sibling that matches a given criteria (e.g., tag name).

# Continue from the previous example...

# Find the next sibling of the first paragraph that's a <p> tag
second_paragraph = first_paragraph.find_next_sibling('p')

# Or, if you're looking for a previous sibling
# first_paragraph = second_paragraph.find_previous_sibling('p')


Using .find_next_siblings() and .find_previous_siblings()

These methods are used to retrieve all subsequent or preceding siblings that match a given criteria.

# Continue from the previous example...

# Find all next siblings of the first paragraph that are <p> tags
all_next_paragraphs = first_paragraph.find_next_siblings('p')

for paragraph in all_next_paragraphs:

Using .next_siblings and .previous_siblings iterators

These iterators allow you to loop over all sibling elements that come after or before the chosen element, including text nodes and other tags.

# Continue from the previous example...

# Loop through all next siblings of the first paragraph
for sibling in first_paragraph.next_siblings:
    # Check if the sibling is a Tag object and not a NavigableString (like '\n')
    if == 'p':

When you're working with siblings in Beautiful Soup, remember that text nodes (like whitespace and newlines) are considered siblings as well. You might need to account for these when navigating the tree. The methods that include "find" in their name (find_next_sibling(), find_previous_sibling(), etc.) automatically skip these text nodes and only return matching tags.

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