What are the differences between Beautiful Soup 3 and Beautiful Soup 4?

Beautiful Soup is a Python library for parsing HTML and XML documents, which is widely used for web scraping purposes. It has gone through several versions, with Beautiful Soup 4 (BS4) being the most current and widely used at the time of writing. Beautiful Soup 3 (BS3) is an earlier version that is no longer maintained. Here are some of the key differences between the two:


Beautiful Soup 3: - BS3 was designed for Python 2.x and does not natively support Python 3. - The parsing in BS3 is less flexible and does not handle encoding issues as gracefully.

Beautiful Soup 4: - BS4 supports both Python 2 (2.7) and Python 3 (3.2 and above). - It is designed to provide better support for non-ASCII characters and various document encodings.


Beautiful Soup 3: - BS3 uses the BeautifulStoneSoup class to parse XML documents, which can be less intuitive and requires users to import a separate class depending on the document type. - The default parser is less capable and may not handle malformed HTML as well as BS4’s parsers.

Beautiful Soup 4: - BS4 uses a unified BeautifulSoup class to parse both HTML and XML documents, simplifying the API. - BS4 allows users to specify different parsers like lxml, html5lib, or Python’s built-in html.parser, offering flexibility and robustness in parsing. For example, lxml is known for its speed and html5lib for its ability to handle malformed HTML like a web browser.

API and Method Changes

Beautiful Soup 3: - Some of the function and method names are not as intuitive or pythonic. - The API is less consistent, which can lead to confusion when parsing different types of elements.

Beautiful Soup 4: - BS4 introduces new method names and properties that are more consistent and intuitive (e.g., get_text() instead of text or string). - Many methods and properties were renamed to make the library more consistent and easier to understand (e.g., findAll became find_all, findParent became find_parent, etc.). - BS4 has better support for CSS selectors with the .select() method, allowing for more complex and precise element selection.

Extensibility and Plugins

Beautiful Soup 3: - BS3 has limited support for plugins or extending its functionality.

Beautiful Soup 4: - BS4 allows for better extensibility and the development of plugins. This has led to a broader ecosystem of tools that can be used with Beautiful Soup.

Support and Maintenance

Beautiful Soup 3: - BS3 is no longer maintained, which means no updates, bug fixes, or official support.

Beautiful Soup 4: - BS4 is actively maintained, with regular updates and improvements. Users can expect ongoing support and responsiveness to issues.


Beautiful Soup 4 is a significant improvement over Beautiful Soup 3 in terms of compatibility with newer versions of Python, flexibility in parsing through different parsers, a more consistent and pythonic API, extensibility, and active maintenance. Due to these improvements, it is highly recommended to use Beautiful Soup 4 for web scraping projects. Here is a simple example of using Beautiful Soup 4 to parse HTML content:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Sample HTML content
html_doc = """
<html><head><title>The Dormouse's story</title></head>
<p class="title"><b>The Dormouse's story</b></p>

# Parse the HTML content using Beautiful Soup 4
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')

# Access the title element
title = soup.title.string

print(title)  # Output: The Dormouse's story

Users who are still using Beautiful Soup 3 are strongly encouraged to upgrade to Beautiful Soup 4 to take advantage of the newer features and ongoing support.

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