How do I handle captchas when scraping Bing?

Handling CAPTCHAs while scraping Bing or any other website can be quite challenging, as CAPTCHAs are explicitly designed to prevent automated access and ensure that the user is indeed a human. Here are some strategies to handle CAPTCHAs when scraping:

1. Avoiding CAPTCHAs

  • Rate Limiting: Make your scraping slower to mimic human behavior. Limit the number of requests to avoid triggering the CAPTCHA.
  • User Agents: Rotate user agents to mimic different browsers and reduce the chance of detection.
  • IP Rotation: Use proxy servers to rotate your IP address to prevent being blocked or presented with a CAPTCHA.
  • Cookies: Maintain and use cookies as a normal browser would, to appear more like a legitimate user.
  • Referral Data: Sometimes including referral information in the headers can help in avoiding CAPTCHAs.
  • Headless Browsers: Use headless browsers like Puppeteer or Selenium that can render JavaScript and behave like a regular browser.

2. Solving CAPTCHAs

When you cannot avoid CAPTCHAs, you may need to solve them:

  • Manual Solving: You can manually solve the CAPTCHA when it appears, but this approach is not scalable.
  • CAPTCHA Solving Services: There are services like 2Captcha, Anti-Captcha, and DeathByCaptcha that offer APIs to solve CAPTCHAs. You can send the CAPTCHA image to these services and get the solution in return.

Here's an example of how you might use a CAPTCHA solving service in Python:

import requests
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image

# Assume you have extracted the CAPTCHA image URL from the page
captcha_image_url = ""

# Download the CAPTCHA image
response = requests.get(captcha_image_url)
captcha_image =

# Save the image if you want to manually inspect it'captcha.jpg')

# Convert the image to the format accepted by the CAPTCHA solving service
image_to_text_payload = {
    'key': 'your-2captcha-api-key',
    'method': 'post',

# Send the image to the service
response ='', files={'file': response.content}, data=image_to_text_payload)
if response.ok:
    print(response.text)  # This is the captcha ID

# Retrieve the CAPTCHA text
retrieval_payload = {
    'key': 'your-2captcha-api-key',
    'action': 'get',
    'id': response.text.split('|')[1]  # Use the captcha ID from the previous response

# It may take some time for the CAPTCHA to be solved
# You may need to poll the service until the solution is ready
solution = requests.get('', params=retrieval_payload)

3. Alternatives to Scraping

  • Bing Search API: Instead of scraping, consider using the Bing Search API, which provides a legitimate way to get search results programmatically.

Warning and Ethical Considerations

  • Terms of Service: Before attempting to scrape Bing or solve CAPTCHAs, ensure that you're not violating their terms of service. Many websites prohibit scraping in their terms, and disregarding these can have legal consequences.
  • Ethical Use: Use scraping ethically and responsibly. Excessive scraping can burden a website's servers and affect the experience for human users.

Remember that CAPTCHA is a protection mechanism, and bypassing it may be against the website's intended use. Always consider the legal and ethical implications of your actions when scraping websites.

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