How do you extract all links from a webpage using Cheerio?

To extract all links from a webpage using Cheerio, you'll first need to fetch the HTML content of the webpage, and then you can use Cheerio to parse the HTML and select the anchor tags to extract their href attributes.

Here's a step-by-step guide, including a code example in JavaScript:

Step 1: Install Required Packages

Before you can run the code, you'll need to have Node.js installed on your computer. Then, you'll need to install axios for making HTTP requests to fetch the webpage and cheerio for parsing the HTML content.

You can install these packages using npm:

npm install axios cheerio

Step 2: Fetch Webpage Content

Use axios to make a GET request to the webpage from which you want to extract links.

Step 3: Parse HTML and Extract Links

Once you have the HTML content, you can load it into Cheerio and use it to select elements in a jQuery-like syntax. To extract all links, select all anchor tags and loop through them to get the href attribute.

Code Example:

const axios = require('axios');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');

// Function to extract all links from a webpage using Cheerio
const extractLinks = async (url) => {
  try {
    // Fetch the content of the webpage
    const response = await axios.get(url);
    const data =;

    // Load the webpage content into Cheerio
    const $ = cheerio.load(data);

    // Initialize an array to store the links
    const links = [];

    // Select all anchor tags and extract href attributes
    $('a').each((index, element) => {
      const link = $(element).attr('href');
      // Make sure the href attribute exists and is not empty
      if (link && link.trim() !== '') {

    // Return the array of links
    return links;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching or parsing the webpage:', error);
    return [];

// Example usage
const url = ''; // Replace with your target URL
extractLinks(url).then((links) => {
  console.log('Extracted links:', links);

Run this script using Node.js, and it will log an array of extracted links to the console. Make sure you replace '' with the URL of the webpage you want to scrape.


  • Always respect the robots.txt file of the website and the website's terms of service regarding web scraping.
  • Be mindful of the number of requests you make to avoid overloading the server.
  • Some websites might have AJAX-loaded content or client-side rendered content that Cheerio won't be able to fetch with a simple GET request. In such cases, you might need to use a headless browser like Puppeteer.
  • The extracted links might be relative URLs or absolute URLs. If you need absolute URLs, you'll have to resolve relative URLs using the original webpage's base URL.

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