Can Colly be used to submit forms on a website?

Yes, Colly, which is a popular web scraping framework for Go (Golang), can be used to submit forms on a website. However, it's important to note that Colly's primary focus is on scraping data rather than interacting with websites. Despite this, it does offer some functionalities to mimic browser-like interactions, such as form submission.

To submit a form using Colly, you would typically follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the page containing the form.
  2. Fill out the form fields.
  3. Send the form data as a POST request (or GET, depending on the form method).

Here is a basic example of how you might use Colly to submit a form:

package main

import (


func main() {
    c := colly.NewCollector()

    // Handle the form submission process.
    c.OnHTML("form#myForm", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
        actionURL := e.Attr("action")
        // Fill in the form fields.
        formData := make(map[string]string)
        formData["username"] = "JohnDoe"
        formData["password"] = "mySecurePassword"

        // Submit the form.
        e.Request.Post(actionURL, formData)

    // This will capture the response after submitting the form.
    c.OnResponse(func(r *colly.Response) {
        fmt.Println("Response received:", r.StatusCode)

    // This captures any errors during the process, like network errors.
    c.OnError(func(r *colly.Response, err error) {
        log.Println("Request URL:", r.Request.URL, "failed with response:", r, "\nError:", err)

    // Visit the page containing the form.
    if err := c.Visit(""); err != nil {

In this example, #myForm is the ID of the form you're trying to submit. You'll need to adjust the selector to match the correct form on the target page. Similarly, username and password are the names of the form fields that you are filling out. You'll need to replace these with the actual field names used in the form you're targeting.

Please keep in mind the following when using Colly or any other scraping tool for form submission:

  • Always check the website's robots.txt file and Terms of Service to ensure you are allowed to interact with the site programmatically.
  • Be respectful of the target server's resources; do not overload it with too many requests in a short period.
  • Some websites may have CSRF tokens and other security measures in place that can make programmatic form submission more challenging. You may need to first scrape the CSRF token from the form and include it in your submission.
  • If the website relies on JavaScript to handle form submissions, Colly might not work directly since it does not execute JavaScript. You might need to analyze the network requests using browser developer tools to mimic the necessary requests.

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