Memory leaks during long-running scrapes with Colly, or any other scraping framework, can be a significant issue. To prevent memory leaks while using Colly, a high-performance scraping framework for Go, you should follow these guidelines:
- Limit the Number of Goroutines: Colly internally uses goroutines to handle concurrency. Make sure you set a limit for the number of concurrent requests to prevent spawning too many goroutines, which can lead to high memory usage.
c := colly.NewCollector(
// Limit the number of threads started by colly to two
// when visiting links concurrently
DomainGlob: "*",
Parallelism: 2,
Reuse Collectors: Instead of creating a new collector for each task, reuse them as much as possible. This practice can help reduce memory usage and prevent leaks.
Properly Close Resources: Make sure to close any resources you open, such as files or database connections. Use defer statements to ensure they are closed properly.
f, err := os.Create("output.txt")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
- Detach Response Body: For each request, Colly receives an HTTP response. Make sure you detach the response body when you finish processing it. This will free up the memory associated with it.
c.OnResponse(func(r *colly.Response) {
// Process the response body here
r.Body = nil // Detach the body to prevent memory leaks
Use OnHTML Callbacks Efficiently: When using
callbacks, ensure you are not keeping unnecessary references to the DOM or the collector itself, as this can prevent the garbage collector from releasing memory.Monitor and Profile the Application: Regularly monitor your application's memory usage with tools like
in Go. Profiling can help identify where memory is being used excessively and where leaks may be occurring.
To start a memory profile:
import _ "net/http/pprof"
// In your main function, or wherever appropriate
go func() {
log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil))
You can then view the profile by navigating to http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/
in your web browser.
Avoid Global Variables: If possible, avoid using global variables, as they can be a source of memory leaks. They remain in memory for the lifetime of the application and can retain references to large structures unnecessarily.
Regularly Clear the Visited URLs Cache: Colly keeps track of visited URLs to avoid revisiting them. For long-running scrapes, this list can grow large and consume a significant amount of memory. Clear it regularly if you know you don't need it.
c := colly.NewCollector()
// After some condition or time period, clear the visited requests
c.VisitedURLs() = make(map[string]bool)
Handle Errors and Panics: Ensure your code gracefully handles errors and recovers from panics, as these situations can leave resources allocated.
Update to the Latest Version: Always use the latest stable version of Colly, as memory leak issues may have been fixed in newer releases.
By following these tips, you can mitigate the risk of memory leaks in your long-running Colly scrapes. Remember that memory profiling and regularly reviewing your scraping code are crucial steps in identifying and fixing memory leaks.