How do I scrape content from behind a login wall using Colly?

Web scraping content from behind a login wall can be a bit tricky due to the authentication mechanisms that websites use to protect user data. However, it is possible to do this with Colly, a popular Golang framework for building web scrapers.

To scrape content from behind a login wall using Colly, you'll need to simulate a user logging in through your scraper. This often involves submitting a POST request with the user's credentials to the login endpoint and then using the received cookies for subsequent requests.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Step 1: Analyze the Login Process

Before writing any code, you should understand how the login process works on the website you want to scrape. You can do this by inspecting the network traffic using your browser's developer tools while you log in to the website manually. Look for the following:

  • The URL of the login form's action attribute.
  • The method used by the form (usually POST).
  • The names of the input fields for the username and password.
  • Any hidden form fields that need to be submitted with the login request.
  • Cookies or tokens that are set after a successful login.

Step 2: Writing the Code

Ensure you have Colly installed. If not, you can install it by running:

go get -u

Now, let's write the code to perform the login and scrape content:

package main

import (


func main() {
    // Create a new collector
    c := colly.NewCollector(
        // Attach a debugger to the collector

    // The URL for the login action
    loginURL := ""

    // The data you need to send for a login
    loginData := url.Values{
        "username": {"your_username"},
        "password": {"your_password"},

    // Handle login
    err := c.Post(loginURL, loginData)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Login failed:", err)

    // After logging in, visit the page you want to scrape
    c.OnHTML("html selector", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
        // Scrape information
        fmt.Println("First name:", e.ChildText("#first-name"))

    // Visit a page that requires authentication
    err = c.Visit("")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Visiting failed:", err)

In this code snippet:

  • We create a new Colly collector with some debugging enabled to see what's going on under the hood.
  • We then define the URL where the login form is submitted and the credentials that need to be sent.
  • We use the Post method on the collector to send a POST request to the login URL.
  • Once logged in, we use the OnHTML method to define what to do when we visit a page. We use a CSS selector to target the HTML elements we want to scrape.
  • Finally, we visit the protected page that we want to scrape.

Please note the following:

  • Use the correct login URL and parameters for the website you're targeting.
  • Adjust the CSS selectors based on the actual content you want to scrape.
  • Be respectful of the website's terms of service and robots.txt file when scraping. Do not scrape websites that explicitly forbid it.

Step 3: Handling Cookies and Sessions

Colly automatically manages cookies by default, which means that it will handle the session for you after login. If the website uses a different method for session handling, you might need to set headers or tokens manually.

Step 4: Error Handling and Debugging

The Colly debugger is enabled in the example, which can help you troubleshoot issues when they arise. Pay attention to the output in the console, as it will provide information about the requests and responses.

Step 5: Running the Scraper

To run your scraper, simply build and run the Go program in your usual development environment.

go run scraper.go

Replace scraper.go with the name of your Go file.

Remember, always scrape responsibly and legally. If a site requires a login, it typically means the information is meant to be protected or proprietary. Ensure that you have the right to access and scrape the content you are targeting, and that you comply with any relevant laws and regulations.

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