What is the difference between class and ID CSS selectors?

In CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), selectors are used to target HTML elements to apply styles. Two of the most common selectors are class selectors and ID selectors. They serve different purposes and have different characteristics.

Class Selector

  • Syntax: A class selector begins with a period (.) followed by the class name.
  • Usage: Classes are used to group one or more elements for styling purposes. The same class can be applied to multiple elements, and a single element can have multiple classes.
  • Specificity: Class selectors have a higher specificity than element selectors but lower specificity than ID selectors.
  • Example: If you have HTML elements with the class button, you would use the following CSS to style them:
.button {
  background-color: blue;
  color: white;
  padding: 10px 20px;

ID Selector

  • Syntax: An ID selector begins with a hash (#) followed by the ID value.
  • Usage: IDs are unique identifiers for elements. Each ID must be unique within a page and should only be used on one element.
  • Specificity: ID selectors have a higher specificity than class and element selectors, meaning styles applied with an ID selector will generally override those applied with class and element selectors.
  • Example: If you have an HTML element with the ID header, you would use the following CSS to style it:
#header {
  background-color: black;
  color: white;
  padding: 20px;

Key Differences

  1. Uniqueness:

    • ID selectors are meant to be unique within the page. Each ID should only be used on a single element.
    • Class selectors are not unique and can be used on multiple elements throughout the page.
  2. Specificity:

    • ID selectors have a higher specificity than class selectors. This means that if both an ID and a class are applied to the same element, the styles from the ID selector will typically take precedence, unless overridden by more specific rules or the use of !important.
  3. JavaScript Interaction:

    • In JavaScript, you can use getElementById to select an element with a specific ID, which is a fast and efficient way to access a DOM element.
    • To select elements with a specific class, you can use getElementsByClassName or querySelectorAll. These methods can return a NodeList or HTMLCollection of all elements with the matching class.
  4. Reusability:

    • Class selectors are designed to be reusable across multiple elements and even on the same element along with other classes.
    • ID selectors are intended to be used once per page and are not meant to be reused.


While both class and ID selectors are used for applying styles to HTML elements, they serve different purposes in terms of scope and specificity. Classes are more about reusability and grouping elements for styling, while IDs are meant for unique, one-off stylings and for targeting specific elements in the DOM. When building web pages, it's important to use these selectors appropriately to maintain clean, maintainable, and scalable CSS.

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