How do I use Curl to make a PUT request?

Curl is a powerful tool used to transfer data to or from a server. It supports multiple protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and many more. To make a PUT request using curl, you essentially have to specify the -X PUT option followed by the URL of the service you want to access.

Here is a general syntax to make a PUT request:

curl -X PUT -d "data you want to put"
  1. -X PUT tells curl to use the PUT method.
  2. -d or --data specifies the data you want to send.

Let's look at a concrete example. Suppose you have a REST API for a to-do list application, and you want to update the details of a particular item with id 1. You might do it like this:

curl -X PUT -d "task=Buy milk&priority=high"

In this example, "task=Buy milk&priority=high" is the data you're sending in the request. This must be in the format expected by the server. Often, servers expect data to be in JSON format. To send JSON data, you would do something like this:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"task":"Buy milk", "priority":"high"}'

In this case, -H "Content-Type: application/json" specifies that the content type of the data you're sending is JSON.

Please note that the actual syntax and parameters may vary depending on the specific requirements of the server you're sending the request to.

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