How do I handle pagination in web scraping with DiDOM?

Pagination is a common feature on websites that display large sets of data. It divides content into separate pages to make it more manageable and user-friendly. When scraping such websites, it's important to navigate through the paginated content to collect all the necessary data.

DiDOM is a simple and convenient PHP library for parsing HTML. While DiDOM doesn't have built-in pagination handling, you can manage pagination by identifying the pattern of URLs for different pages or the "Next" button's selector. Then you can loop through the pages and scrape the data.

Here's how to handle pagination with DiDOM in a general sense:

  1. Identify the pagination pattern or the "Next" button selector.
  2. Write a loop to iterate through the pages.
  3. For each iteration, load the page content using DiDOM and scrape the required data.
  4. Continue the loop until you reach the last page or the "Next" button is no longer found.

Here's an example PHP script that demonstrates how to handle pagination with DiDOM:


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Make sure to include the Composer autoload file

use DiDom\Document;

// The URL of the first page of the paginated content
$startUrl = '';
$currentPage = 1;

do {
    // Modify the URL according to the pagination pattern
    $pageUrl = '' . $currentPage;

    // Load the current page content
    $document = new Document($pageUrl, true);

    // Scrape the data you need from the current page
    // For example, let's say you want to scrape all article titles
    $articles = $document->find('.article-title');
    foreach ($articles as $article) {
        echo $article->text() . "\n";

    // Find the "Next" button or determine if there's a next page
    $nextButton = $document->find('.pagination-next');

    // Increment the page number if the "Next" button exists
    if (!empty($nextButton)) {
    } else {
        break; // Exit the loop if there's no "Next" button
} while (true);


In this example: - Replace '' with the actual URL of the first page of the content you want to scrape. - Modify the $pageUrl variable to match the pagination URL pattern of the website you are scraping. - Adjust the selector in find('.article-title') to match the actual elements that contain the data you want to scrape. - Similarly, adjust the find('.pagination-next') selector to match the "Next" button on the website.

Make sure to respect the website's robots.txt file and terms of service while scraping, and consider adding delays between requests to avoid overloading the server.

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