How do I handle pagination when scraping Glassdoor?

Web scraping Glassdoor, or any other website, requires that you follow the website's robots.txt guidelines and Terms of Service. Many websites, including Glassdoor, have strict rules against scraping and automated access, so it is crucial to check these before proceeding. If scraping is allowed, it's also important to scrape responsibly, without causing excessive traffic that could affect the site's performance.

If you have determined that you can proceed with scraping and are handling pagination, here's a general approach that can be adapted according to the specific structure of the Glassdoor website:

1. Identify the Pagination Pattern

First, you need to understand how pagination is implemented on Glassdoor. There are usually two common types of pagination:

  • Query Parameters: The URL changes by a query parameter, like page=2.
  • Incremental Path: The URL changes by path increment, like /page/2.

2. Use a Loop to Navigate Pages

You can loop through pages either by incrementing a page number in a query parameter or by following 'next page' links if they exist.

Python Example with requests and BeautifulSoup

Here's an example in Python using requests to make HTTP requests and BeautifulSoup to parse HTML:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

base_url = ""
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Your User Agent'}  # Replace with your user agent

for page in range(1, number_of_pages + 1):
    url = f"{base_url}?pageNum={page}"
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

        # Handle the content extraction from each page here

        print(f"Failed to retrieve page {page}")

Replace your-search-path-here with the actual path of the search you want to scrape, and number_of_pages with the total number of pages you wish to scrape. Make sure to use a legitimate user agent string that identifies your bot.

JavaScript Example with axios and cheerio

If you're using Node.js, you can achieve similar functionality using axios for HTTP requests and cheerio for parsing HTML:

const axios = require('axios');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');

const base_url = "";

for (let page = 1; page <= number_of_pages; page++) {
    const url = `${base_url}?pageNum=${page}`;
    axios.get(url, {
        headers: {'User-Agent': 'Your User Agent'}  // Replace with your user agent
    .then(response => {
        const $ = cheerio.load(;

        // Handle the content extraction from each page here

    .catch(error => {
        console.error(`Failed to retrieve page ${page}: ${error}`);

Replace your-search-path-here and number_of_pages as appropriate.

Important Considerations

  • Rate Limiting: Make sure to space out your requests to avoid overwhelming the server. You can add delays between requests using time.sleep() in Python or setTimeout() in JavaScript.
  • Session Management: Some sites may require you to maintain a session or handle cookies. In Python, you can use requests.Session(), and in JavaScript, you can manage cookies with axios instances or additional libraries.
  • JavaScript-Rendered Content: If the content on Glassdoor is loaded dynamically with JavaScript, you may need to use a browser automation tool like Selenium or Puppeteer to handle the scraping, as they can execute the JavaScript code on the page.

Remember, web scraping can legally and ethically be a grey area. Always ensure you have permission to scrape the website and that you comply with any and all restrictions set out by the site. If Glassdoor provides an API, it's better and safer to use that for accessing the data you need.

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