How can I respect robots.txt while scraping Google Search?

When scraping any website, including Google Search, it’s important to respect the rules set out in the robots.txt file by the site administrator. The robots.txt file is used to tell web crawlers which parts of the site should not be accessed.

To respect robots.txt while scraping, you should:

  1. Retrieve the robots.txt file from the domain root.
  2. Parse the robots.txt file to determine which paths are disallowed for your user agent.
  3. Ensure your scraper does not access those paths.

Here's a step-by-step process on how to do this:

Step 1: Retrieve robots.txt

You can retrieve the robots.txt file by simply appending /robots.txt to the domain root URL. For Google, you can view the file at

Step 2: Parse robots.txt

You can manually read the robots.txt file or parse it using a library. Python, for example, has the robotparser module, which can parse the file for you.

Here's a Python example that uses urllib.robotparser:

import urllib.robotparser

# Initialize the parser
rp = urllib.robotparser.RobotFileParser()

# Set the URL for the Google's robots.txt file

# Read the robots.txt file

# Check if a URL is accessible for the user-agent
user_agent = 'YourUserAgent'
url_to_scrape = ""

# Can we fetch the URL?
can_fetch = rp.can_fetch(user_agent, url_to_scrape)

print(f"Can we fetch the URL? {can_fetch}")

Step 3: Respect the Rules

In your scraper, use the logic from can_fetch to decide whether or not to proceed with scraping a particular URL. If can_fetch returns False, do not scrape that URL.

Important Notes:

  • Google Search: Scraping Google Search results pages is against Google's Terms of Service. Google provides an API for accessing search results programmatically called the Custom Search JSON API. This API is the appropriate and legal way to programmatically get Google Search results.

  • Legal and Ethical Considerations: Always follow the website's terms of service and legal guidelines. Failing to do so can result in your IP being banned, legal action, and other consequences.

  • Rate Limiting and Fair Use: Even if a robots.txt file doesn't explicitly disallow access to certain pages, you should still be mindful of the frequency and volume of your requests to avoid overwhelming the server.


While you can technically parse robots.txt and respect its directives, scraping Google Search results directly is not permissible. You should use the official API or other legal means to obtain Google Search results. For other sites, always ensure compliance with robots.txt, terms of service, and legal considerations.

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