Can I use CSS pseudo-classes with GoQuery selectors?

No, you cannot directly use CSS pseudo-classes with GoQuery selectors because GoQuery, a library for Go (Golang), implements a subset of the jQuery selector engine, and that subset does not include pseudo-classes like :hover, :active, :first-child, etc.

GoQuery is designed primarily for parsing and interacting with HTML documents, not for handling dynamic state changes like those represented by CSS pseudo-classes, which are typically used in browsers to apply styles based on user interaction or document structure. Since GoQuery operates on static HTML content, it doesn't have the concept of user interaction or the current state of document rendering that would be required to apply these pseudo-classes.

However, you can still achieve similar functionality by using other types of selectors that are supported by GoQuery. For example, you can select elements by tag, class, ID, attribute, or their combinations. Here's a simple example of how you can use GoQuery to select elements by their attributes, which can sometimes serve as an alternative to certain pseudo-classes:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Example HTML document
    html := `<html>
        <div class="content">
            <p class="first">First paragraph</p>
            <p>Second paragraph</p>
            <p>Last paragraph</p>

    doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(html))
    if err != nil {

    // Find the first paragraph by using the class selector
    firstParagraph := doc.Find("p.first")

    // This is somewhat equivalent to the :first-child pseudo-class
    firstChild := doc.Find(".content").Children().First()

    fmt.Println(firstParagraph.Text()) // Output: First paragraph
    fmt.Println(firstChild.Text())    // Output: First paragraph

While this does not replicate the behavior of pseudo-classes, it demonstrates that you can still perform element selection based on the document structure.

If you need to simulate the behavior of certain pseudo-classes programmatically, you may have to manually implement some logic. For example, to simulate :first-child, you can select the parent element and then get its first child, as shown in the example with Children().First().

For dynamic web scraping that involves interaction states or JavaScript rendering, you might need to use tools like Selenium or Puppeteer, which control a web browser and can account for pseudo-classes and other dynamic states.

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