What is the difference between Find and Children methods in GoQuery?

GoQuery is a library in Go (Golang) for web scraping that provides a set of methods to traverse and manipulate HTML documents in a manner similar to jQuery. Two of the methods provided by GoQuery for DOM traversal are Find and Children.

Find Method

The Find method is used to search for descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element. It's similar to using the jQuery find() method. This method traverses down the DOM tree from the current element context and finds all elements that match the given selector.

Here is an example of using Find method:

doc.Find(".article").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
    // s is a selection of the found elements with the class "article"

In this example, doc.Find(".article") searches for all elements with the class article within the entire document.

Children Method

The Children method, on the other hand, only looks at the immediate children of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector. This method is similar to jQuery's children() and does not traverse beyond the immediate child nodes.

Here is an example of using Children method:

doc.Find("#parent").Children().Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
    // s is a selection of immediate children of the element with id "parent"

In this example, doc.Find("#parent").Children() finds all immediate children of the element with the id parent.


  • Scope: Find searches for all descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.), while Children only looks at the direct children of the matched elements.

  • Performance: Children is typically faster than Find because it does not need to traverse the entire descendant tree.

  • Use Cases: Use Find when you need to locate elements deep within the DOM structure without knowing their exact position relative to the current element. Use Children when you are interested only in the immediate child elements.

Here's a side-by-side code comparison:

Using Find:

// Finds all elements with the class "inner" anywhere under the "#container" element
container := doc.Find("#container")
innerElements := container.Find(".inner")

Using Children:

// Finds only the immediate children of "#container" that have the class "inner"
container := doc.Find("#container")
innerChildren := container.Children(".inner")

In summary, Find is more general and powerful as it can locate nested elements at any depth, whereas Children is more specific and efficient for targeting immediate child elements.

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