How do I scrape data from a website with infinite scrolling using Goutte?

Goutte is a PHP library that provides a simple API to crawl websites and scrape web data. It operates on static HTML content, which means it doesn't execute JavaScript or handle dynamic behavior like infinite scrolling. Infinite scrolling is typically implemented with JavaScript that loads more content as you scroll down the page.

Since Goutte cannot directly handle infinite scrolling, you'll either need to simulate the AJAX requests made by the infinite scrolling mechanism or use an alternative approach that can execute JavaScript, such as a headless browser like Puppeteer or Selenium.

However, if you're determined to use Goutte, you can inspect the network traffic while scrolling on the target website to identify the AJAX requests used to fetch additional content. Once you've identified the request pattern, you can replicate those requests in your PHP script.

Here is a general approach to replicate AJAX requests with Goutte:

  1. Open the Developer Tools in your browser and go to the Network tab.
  2. Scroll down the website until new content is loaded.
  3. Observe the AJAX requests that are triggered during infinite scrolling.
  4. Identify the URL, method (GET or POST), and any necessary headers or parameters used in the request.
  5. Use Goutte to replicate those requests and scrape the returned data.

Below is a hypothetical example of how you might use Goutte to scrape data from a website with infinite scrolling by replicating AJAX requests:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Goutte\Client;

$client = new Client();

// The base URL for AJAX requests
$ajaxUrl = '';

// Parameters for the AJAX request, such as page number or offset
$params = [
    'page' => 1,
    'itemsPerPage' => 10,

// The number of pages you want to scrape
$totalPages = 10;

for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalPages; $i++) {
    $params['page'] = $i;

    // Perform the AJAX request
    $crawler = $client->request('GET', $ajaxUrl, $params);

    // Parse the response and extract data
    // This depends on the structure of the AJAX response
    $data = $crawler->filter('.item-selector')->each(function ($node) {
        // Extract the desired data from each item
        return $node->text();

    // Process the extracted data
    foreach ($data as $item) {
        // Do something with the scraped data
        echo $item . PHP_EOL;

    // Wait a bit between requests to avoid overwhelming the server

Please note that this is a very generic example and you'll need to adjust the specifics based on the actual website you're scraping. Keep in mind that scraping websites with infinite scrolling can be more resource-intensive, and you should always respect the website's robots.txt file and terms of service.

If you encounter a website where JavaScript execution is necessary (which is often the case with modern web applications), consider using a headless browser in conjunction with Goutte or switching to a tool designed for JavaScript rendering. Tools like Puppeteer (for Node.js) and Selenium (for multiple languages including PHP) can programmatically control a browser and are capable of handling infinite scrolling as they simulate a real user's interaction with the webpage.

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