How do I add OAuth authentication to my Guzzle web scraping client?

OAuth authentication is a common method used for securing API access. Guzzle, a PHP HTTP client, allows you to send HTTP requests to integrate with web services. If you want to add OAuth authentication to your Guzzle client for web scraping, you will typically be working with OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0.

Below, I'll show you how to add OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 authentication to a Guzzle client. Keep in mind that the specific details of the OAuth implementation may vary depending on the API you're working with.

OAuth 1.0 with Guzzle

To use OAuth 1.0, you'll need to use an OAuth middleware or plugin for Guzzle. The guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber package is an example of such a middleware.

First, install the OAuth middleware using Composer:

composer require guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber

Then, you can configure the Guzzle client with OAuth 1.0:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Oauth\Oauth1;

$client = new Client(['base_uri' => '']);

$oauth = new Oauth1([
    'consumer_key'    => 'your_consumer_key',
    'consumer_secret' => 'your_consumer_secret',
    'token'           => 'your_token',
    'token_secret'    => 'your_token_secret'


// Make sure to set the "auth" request option to "oauth"
$response = $client->get('/resource', ['auth' => 'oauth']);

OAuth 2.0 with Guzzle

For OAuth 2.0, you can use the kamermans/guzzle-oauth2-subscriber package or Guzzle middleware to handle the authentication.

Install the OAuth 2.0 middleware using Composer:

composer require kamermans/guzzle-oauth2-subscriber

Then, use it with your Guzzle client:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use kamermans\OAuth2\OAuth2Subscriber;
use kamermans\OAuth2\GrantType\ClientCredentials;

$client = new Client(['base_uri' => '']);

$oauth2 = new OAuth2Subscriber(
    new ClientCredentials(
            'client_id'     => 'your_client_id',
            'client_secret' => 'your_client_secret',
            'scope'         => 'your_scope', // optional
            'token_url'     => '',


$response = $client->get('/resource');

In this example, ClientCredentials is used as the grant type, which is suitable for server-to-server communication. If you need a different OAuth 2.0 grant type (e.g., Authorization Code, Password Credentials), you'll need to use the corresponding grant type class provided by the kamermans/guzzle-oauth2-subscriber package.

Remember to replace 'your_consumer_key', 'your_consumer_secret', 'your_token', and 'your_token_secret' with the actual credentials provided by the service you're accessing. Similarly, replace 'your_client_id', 'your_client_secret', 'your_scope', and the URLs with your actual OAuth 2.0 details.

Note on Web Scraping Ethics and Legality

Web scraping, particularly when authenticated with OAuth, often means you are accessing data that is not publicly available and may be subject to terms of service or legal restrictions. Always ensure that you are authorized to scrape a particular site or API and that you comply with any applicable terms and regulations. Unauthorized scraping, especially with authentication, can lead to revoked access, legal action, or other consequences.

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