How do I handle HTTP errors when using Guzzle?

When using Guzzle, an HTTP client for PHP, to make HTTP requests, you may encounter various HTTP errors. These can range from client-side errors (4xx status codes) to server-side errors (5xx status codes). Handling these errors correctly is important for robust application development.

Guzzle throws exceptions for errors that occur during a transfer. Here's how you can handle them:

  1. Catch Exceptions: Guzzle throws different exceptions based on the type of error:
  • GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Thrown for 4xx errors.
  • GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException: Thrown for 5xx errors.
  • GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException: Thrown in case of a networking error, like when a request fails to connect.
  • GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException: The base class for the above exceptions, thrown when a request fails for any reason.

You can catch these exceptions using a try-catch block. Here's an example:

   use GuzzleHttp\Client;
   use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException;
   use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException;
   use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;

   $client = new Client();

   try {
       $response = $client->request('GET', '');
       echo $response->getBody();
   } catch (ClientException $e) {
       // Handle client exceptions (4xx errors)
       echo "Client error: " . $e->getMessage();
   } catch (ServerException $e) {
       // Handle server exceptions (5xx errors)
       echo "Server error: " . $e->getMessage();
   } catch (RequestException $e) {
       // Handle any other request-related errors
       echo "Request error: " . $e->getMessage();
  1. Middleware: Guzzle allows you to attach middleware to the handler stack that can intercept the request and response process. You can use middleware to handle errors in a more generic way.

Here's an example of how you could log all exceptions without stopping the script:

   use GuzzleHttp\Client;
   use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
   use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
   use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
   use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

   $stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create();
   $stack->push(Middleware::mapRequest(function (RequestInterface $request) {
       // Modify the request if needed
       return $request;
   $stack->push(Middleware::mapResponse(function (ResponseInterface $response) {
       // Handle the response
       return $response;
   $stack->push(Middleware::retry(function ($retry, $request, $response, $exception) {
       // Logic for retrying a request if needed
       return false;
   $stack->push(Middleware::httpErrors(function ($request, $response, $exception) {
       // Don't throw exceptions on HTTP protocol errors. Handle them here instead.
       if ($exception instanceof RequestException) {
           // Log the error or take some other action
       return $response;

   $client = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);
   $response = $client->request('GET', '');
  1. HTTP Status Code Checking: Sometimes you might want to handle HTTP errors manually by checking the status code of the response. You can disable Guzzle's exception throwing for HTTP errors by setting the http_errors request option to false.
   use GuzzleHttp\Client;

   $client = new Client();
   $response = $client->request('GET', '', [
       'http_errors' => false, // Disable throwing exceptions on an HTTP protocol error

   if ($response->getStatusCode() >= 400) {
       // Handle error based on status code
       echo "Error: " . $response->getStatusCode();
   } else {
       echo $response->getBody();

By properly handling HTTP errors using the approaches mentioned above, you can ensure that your application can gracefully handle unexpected issues with the external services it interacts with.

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