Can I run headless_chrome (Rust) on a headless server without a GUI?

Yes, you can run a headless instance of Chrome using the headless_chrome crate in Rust on a headless server without a graphical user interface (GUI). Headless Chrome is a way to run the Chrome browser in a headless environment without the need for a full browser UI.

Headless servers are often used for automated testing of web applications, web scraping, and other tasks that don't require a visual representation of the web pages. Since the server lacks a display, running browsers in headless mode is necessary.

To run a headless Chrome instance in Rust, you need to have the headless_chrome crate as a dependency in your project's Cargo.toml file:

headless_chrome = "0.10.0" # Check for the latest version on

Once the dependency is added, you can create a Rust program that launches a headless Chrome instance and interacts with web pages. Here is a basic example of how to run headless Chrome using the headless_chrome crate:

use headless_chrome::{Browser, LaunchOptionsBuilder};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Set up options for headless Chrome
    let options = LaunchOptionsBuilder::default()
        .headless(true) // Ensure the browser is launched in headless mode
        .expect("Failed to build launch options");

    // Launch the headless browser
    let browser = Browser::new(options)?;

    // Navigate to a web page
    let tab = browser.wait_for_initial_tab()?;

    // You can interact with the web page using the tab here
    // For example, take a screenshot of the page
    let _jpeg_data = tab.capture_screenshot(


Before running this Rust program, make sure that Chrome is installed on your headless server and that chromedriver is available in the system’s PATH. If Chrome is not installed, you can typically install it using your server's package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can install it using the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable

Keep in mind that some additional dependencies may be required to run Chrome on a headless server (such as libraries for font rendering and the X11 window system, even when running headless), so make sure to also install those if necessary.

After setting everything up, you can compile and run your Rust program. If everything is configured correctly, the program will launch a headless Chrome instance, navigate to the specified URL, and perform any actions you coded it to do.

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