Is there any support for proxy usage in headless_chrome (Rust) for Rust?

As of my last update, the headless_chrome crate in Rust does not natively support proxy configuration. The headless_chrome crate is a high-level API for programmatically interacting with web pages through Chrome with headless mode.

However, you can set up a proxy for Chrome by launching it with the appropriate command-line arguments. When using the headless_chrome crate, you don't have direct access to the command-line launch arguments from the crate's API. Instead, you can set up a proxy for the entire system or for Chrome specifically before you launch your Rust application.

If you need to control Chrome with a proxy within Rust, you might have to use a lower-level library or binding such as selenium-rs (Rust binding for Selenium) or directly communicate with Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP). With CDP, you can send a command to set up a proxy before navigating to a page.

Here's a high-level idea of how you might approach it using the fantoccini crate, which allows for more direct control via the WebDriver protocol (which powers Selenium):

use fantoccini::{Client, ClientBuilder};

async fn main() -> Result<(), fantoccini::error::NewSessionError> {
    // Set up your WebDriver capabilities
    let mut caps = serde_json::map::Map::new();
    let opts = serde_json::json!({
        "args": ["--headless", "--proxy-server=socks5://"]
    caps.insert("goog:chromeOptions".to_string(), opts);

    // Connect to WebDriver (e.g., chromedriver) running at localhost:9515
    let client = ClientBuilder::rustls()

    // Now you can use `client` to interact with Chrome with the specified proxy settings.


This example assumes you have a WebDriver-compatible server (like chromedriver) running and listening on port 9515. The proxy server is set to socks5://, but you should replace this with your actual proxy settings.

If you specifically need to use the headless_chrome crate and require proxy support, you might consider contributing to the project to add this functionality or create a wrapper that sets the proxy at a system level before launching your Rust application. Alternatively, you can also look into other crates that may offer more direct control over the Chrome browser and thus allow setting a proxy.

Remember to respect the terms of service of the websites you are scraping and ensure that your use of proxies and web scraping activities are legal and ethical.

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WebScraping.AI provides rotating proxies, Chromium rendering and built-in HTML parser for web scraping