How do I cache responses in HTTParty to reduce server load during scraping?

Caching HTTP responses is an effective way to reduce server load and speed up your web scraping tasks by not repeatedly fetching the same data. Unfortunately, HTTParty itself does not have built-in caching mechanisms. However, you can implement caching by using Ruby's standard libraries or additional gems.

Here's a step-by-step strategy to cache HTTP responses when using HTTParty:

1. Choose a Caching Strategy

Before you start coding, decide what kind of caching strategy fits your needs. The most common strategies are:

  • In-memory caching: Fast but limited by the application's memory and not persistent across restarts.
  • File-based caching: Slower but persistent across application restarts.
  • Database caching: Can be fast and persistent, but more complex to set up.

2. Implement Caching

For this example, we'll use in-memory caching with a simple Ruby hash. We'll also make use of the Ruby standard library 'digest' to create a hash key based on the URL and query parameters.

require 'httparty'
require 'digest'

class CachedHTTP
  @@cache = {}

  def self.fetch(url, options = {})
    # Create a unique cache key based on the URL and options
    cache_key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(url + options.to_s)

    # Check if the response is cached
    if @@cache.key?(cache_key)
      puts "Retrieving cached response for #{url}"
      puts "Fetching new response for #{url}"
      response = HTTParty.get(url, options)
      @@cache[cache_key] = response

# Example usage
url = ''
options = { query: { foo: 'bar' } }

response = CachedHTTP.fetch(url, options)
# Do something with the response

3. Expire Cache

In the above code, the cache never expires, which may not be practical. You may want to add expiration logic to the cache entries:

class CachedHTTP
  # ...
  CACHE_EXPIRY = 3600 # seconds

  def self.fetch(url, options = {})
    # ...
    if @@cache.key?(cache_key)
      cached_entry = @@cache[cache_key]
      if - cached_entry[:timestamp] < CACHE_EXPIRY
        puts "Retrieving cached response for #{url}"
        return cached_entry[:response]
        puts "Cache expired for #{url}. Fetching new response."

    response = HTTParty.get(url, options)
    @@cache[cache_key] = { response: response, timestamp: }

4. Advanced Caching with Gems

If you need a more robust caching solution, consider using a caching gem like moneta or dalli (for Memcached). These gems offer advanced features such as automatic cache expiration, better performance, and support for various backends like Redis, Memcached, and more.


  • Always respect the terms of service of the website you're scraping. Some sites may not allow scraping or caching.
  • Ensure your caching mechanism adheres to the HTTP cache control headers if they are provided by the API or web service.
  • Consider the freshness of data and set appropriate cache expiration times.
  • Be mindful of thread safety if you're scraping in a multi-threaded environment.

Remember, the above example is a simple in-memory cache. For production systems or more complex scraping tasks, you'll likely want to use a more sophisticated caching system that can handle concurrency and persistent storage.

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