How do I limit the download size of a response with HTTParty?

HTTParty is a convenient Ruby gem for making HTTP requests. While HTTParty does not directly provide an explicit way to limit the download size of a response out of the box, you can achieve this by using Ruby's built-in Net::HTTP features, since HTTParty is built on top of Net::HTTP.

To limit the download size while using HTTParty, you might want to stop the download process after a certain amount of data has been received. You can do this by manually handling the response body's streaming. Below is an example of how to achieve this:

require 'httparty'

# Define the maximum size in bytes that you want to download
MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 # for example, 1MB

response = HTTParty.get('', stream_body: true) do |fragment|
  # Check if the size of the downloaded content has exceeded the maximum size
  if fragment.size + (response.body.nil? ? 0 : response.body.length) > MAX_SIZE
    # If it has, raise an exception to terminate the download
    raise "File too large, download aborted."

# Check if the response was successful
if response.code == 200
  # Do something with the response if needed
  puts "Downloaded content up to the size limit."
  puts "HTTP request failed with code #{response.code}"

In the above code, we're using the stream_body: true option to stream the response body. The given block is called with each fragment of the body as it is read. Inside the block, we check if the current size of the downloaded content exceeds the MAX_SIZE. If it does, we raise an exception to stop the download. This is a simplistic way to abort the download, and in a real-world situation, you might want to handle this more gracefully depending on your application's requirements.

Remember that when you stop the download abruptly, you are forcefully interrupting the connection, and the server might not be aware that the client has stopped receiving data. This is something to keep in mind, as it may not be the most polite way to handle network communications, especially if you're dealing with a service that expects clients to download the entire response.

Please note that this approach will only work with HTTParty version 0.14.0 or newer, as the stream_body option was introduced in that version. If you're using an older version of HTTParty, you will need to upgrade or use Net::HTTP directly for this functionality.

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