Can I scrape images from Idealista listings?

Scraping images from Idealista listings, or any other website, may be technically possible, but it's essential to consider the legal and ethical implications before doing so. Websites like Idealista have terms of service that usually prohibit scraping, especially for commercial use or redistributing their content without permission. Images on such platforms may also be copyrighted. Always review the website's terms of service and consider whether you have the legal right to scrape and use the content.

If you determine that you have the legal right to scrape images from Idealista, here is a general approach you could take using Python with the requests and BeautifulSoup libraries. Please note that this is for educational purposes only and you should not use this code unless you have permission to scrape Idealista.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import os

# Define the URL of the listing

# Send a GET request to the listing URL
response = requests.get(listing_url)

# Parse the HTML content
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

# Find all image tags - this will depend on how Idealista structures their HTML
# Here we assume images are in <img> tags with a specific class or property
image_tags = soup.find_all('img', class_='CLASS_NAME_OR_PROPERTY_INDICATING_LISTING_IMAGES')

# Download each image
for i, img in enumerate(image_tags):
    # Get the image URL - this may require looking at the 'src' or 'data-src' attribute
    img_url = img.get('src')
    if not img_url:
        continue  # If no src attribute, skip to the next image

    # Send a GET request to the image URL
    img_response = requests.get(img_url)

    # Save the image to a file
    with open(f'image_{i}.jpg', 'wb') as f:

    print(f'Downloaded image {i+1}')

Remember to replace 'YOUR_IDEALISTA_LISTING_URL' with the actual URL of the listing you want to scrape and 'CLASS_NAME_OR_PROPERTY_INDICATING_LISTING_IMAGES' with the actual class or property used by Idealista to identify image elements.

Here is an example of how to do image scraping in JavaScript using Node.js and libraries like axios and cheerio (again, only for educational purposes):

const axios = require('axios');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// Define the URL of the listing
const listingUrl = 'YOUR_IDEALISTA_LISTING_URL';

// Function to download the image
const downloadImage = (url, filepath) => {
    responseType: 'stream',
  }).then(response =>
    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        .on('finish', () => resolve())
        .on('error', e => reject(e));

// Fetch the listing page
axios.get(listingUrl).then(response => {
  const html =;
  const $ = cheerio.load(html);
  const imageTags = $('img.CLASS_NAME_OR_PROPERTY_INDICATING_LISTING_IMAGES'); // Update the selector accordingly

  imageTags.each(async (i, img) => {
    const imgSrc = $(img).attr('src'); // or 'data-src', depending on the attribute used for the image URL

    if (imgSrc) {
      const imgFilename = path.join(__dirname, `image_${i}.jpg`);
      await downloadImage(imgSrc, imgFilename);
      console.log(`Downloaded image ${i + 1}`);

In this JavaScript example, replace 'YOUR_IDEALISTA_LISTING_URL' and 'CLASS_NAME_OR_PROPERTY_INDICATING_LISTING_IMAGES' as necessary. You will also have to install the required packages (axios, cheerio) using npm or yarn.

Remember to run these scripts responsibly and not to overload the server by sending too many requests in a short period. It's also a good practice to respect the robots.txt file of any website, which indicates the areas of the site that should not be accessed by automated scripts.

Lastly, if you're scraping for personal use, it's always better to reach out to the website owner or use their API if available, as this might provide a legal and structured way to access the data you need.

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