How can I handle pagination when scraping multiple pages on Immobilien Scout24?

When scraping multiple pages on a website like Immobilien Scout24, you need to handle pagination to navigate through the series of pages. Websites usually paginate content to improve user experience by not loading too much data on a single page.

Note: Before scraping any website, including Immobilien Scout24, make sure you are compliant with their terms of service, robots.txt file, and any relevant data protection laws. Scraping can be legally sensitive and could lead to your IP being blocked or legal action if not done responsibly.

Here's a general approach to handle pagination when scraping multiple pages:

Step 1: Analyze the Pagination Mechanism

First, manually inspect the website to understand how pagination is implemented. Look for:

  • URL changes as you navigate through pages.
  • Parameters that control the page number or results offset.
  • Any patterns in the HTML or JavaScript that indicate how the links to subsequent pages are generated.

Step 2: Implement Pagination in Your Scraper

Based on your findings, you can implement the pagination logic. There are two common types of pagination:

  1. Query Parameters: The URL changes by including parameters like page=2. You can increment the page number in your requests.
  2. Load More / Infinite Scroll: JavaScript is used to load more items. You might need to simulate clicks or find the API the JavaScript calls and call it directly.

Step 3: Code Examples

Here's an example in Python using requests and BeautifulSoup to handle query parameter-based pagination:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

base_url = "{page}/Wohnung-Miete"

for page in range(1, 10):  # Scrape the first 10 pages
    url = base_url.format(page=page)
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

    # Process the page content
    listings = soup.find_all('div', class_='listing-item')  # Replace with the actual class for listings
    for listing in listings:
        # Extract data from each listing
        # ...

    # Check if there are more pages
    # Usually there is a disabled 'next' button or similar at the last page
    if no_more_pages(soup):

def no_more_pages(soup):
    # Implement a check to identify if it is the last page
    # ...

In JavaScript (Node.js), you can use axios and cheerio for the same task:

const axios = require('axios');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');

const base_url = "{page}/Wohnung-Miete";

(async () => {
    for (let page = 1; page <= 10; page++) { // Scrape the first 10 pages
        let url = base_url.replace('{page}', page);
        let response = await axios.get(url);
        let $ = cheerio.load(;

        // Process the page content
        $('.listing-item').each((index, element) => { // Replace with the actual class for listings
            // Extract data from each listing
            // ...

        // Check if there are more pages
        // Usually, there is a disabled 'next' button or similar at the last page
        if (noMorePages($)) {

function noMorePages($) {
    // Implement a check to identify if it is the last page
    // ...

Step 4: Handle Rate Limiting and Politeness

Websites might have rate limiting to prevent abuse from bots and scrapers. Make sure to:

  • Add delays between requests to avoid hitting the server too hard (time.sleep in Python or setTimeout in JavaScript).
  • Respect the robots.txt file of the website.
  • Use a user-agent string that identifies your bot.
  • Consider using rotating proxies if you are making a large number of requests.

Step 5: Error Handling

Always implement error handling to deal with network issues or unexpected website changes:

  • Retry failed requests with exponential backoff.
  • Log errors and exceptions.
  • Validate the responses before parsing to ensure you received the expected content.

Remember that web scraping can be a moving target as websites change their layout and anti-bot measures frequently. Always be prepared to update your code to adapt to these changes.

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