How can I store the scraped data from Immobilien Scout24 in a structured format?

To store scraped data from Immobilien Scout24 or any other website in a structured format, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Scrape the Website: Use web scraping tools and techniques to extract the data from the website.
  2. Parse the Data: Process the scraped data to extract the necessary information.
  3. Structure the Data: Organize the parsed data into a structured format such as CSV, JSON, or into a database.

Here is an example workflow using Python with libraries like requests for web scraping and BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML, and storing the data in a CSV file:

Step 1: Scrape the Website

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Define the URL of the site
url = ''

# Make a GET request to fetch the raw HTML content
html_content = requests.get(url).text

# Parse the HTML content
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser")

# Find the data you need, e.g., listings
listings = soup.find_all('div', class_='listing')  # Assume 'listing' is the class name for listing items

# Now you have the listings and you can parse the details from each one

Step 2: Parse the Data

# This is a hypothetical function that knows how to extract the necessary details from a listing
def parse_listing(listing):
    title = listing.find('h2', class_='listing-title').text
    price = listing.find('div', class_='listing-price').text
    location = listing.find('div', class_='listing-location').text
    # More fields can be added as per the structure of the page
    return {
        'title': title,
        'price': price,
        'location': location

# Use the function to parse all listings
parsed_listings = [parse_listing(listing) for listing in listings]

Step 3: Structure the Data and Save to CSV

import csv

# Specify the filename
filename = 'immobilien_scout24_listings.csv'

# Define the header
fields = ['Title', 'Price', 'Location']

# Write to CSV
with open(filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fields)

    # Write the header

    # Write the listings data
    for listing in parsed_listings:

Important Note on Web Scraping Ethics and Legality

Before you start scraping a website like Immobilien Scout24, you must:

  • Check the website’s terms of service to understand if scraping is allowed.
  • Respect the robots.txt file of the website, which indicates the scraping rules.
  • Do not overload the website servers with too many requests in a short period; consider adding delays between requests.
  • Be aware that scraping personal data might be subject to legal regulations like GDPR.

JavaScript (Node.js) Example

If you would prefer to use JavaScript (Node.js) for scraping, you could use libraries like axios for HTTP requests and cheerio for parsing the HTML:

const axios = require('axios');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const fs = require('fs');
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('immobilien_scout24_listings.csv');

// Define the URL and headers for CSV
const url = '';
writeStream.write(`Title,Price,Location\n`); // CSV Header

  .then(response => {
    const html =;
    const $ = cheerio.load(html);
    const listings = $('.listing'); // Use the correct selector

    listings.each(function() {
      const title = $(this).find('.listing-title').text();
      const price = $(this).find('.listing-price').text();
      const location = $(this).find('.listing-location').text();
      // Write row to CSV

Make sure to install the required npm packages (axios, cheerio, and fs) before running the above script.

npm install axios cheerio

Remember, the selectors used in the examples above ('.listing', '.listing-title', etc.) are placeholders, and you will need to inspect the actual web page to find the correct selectors for the data you wish to scrape.

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