How can I scrape Immowelt data in real-time?

Scraping data from websites in real-time can be a challenging task, especially from websites like Immowelt, a real estate platform, which may have measures in place to protect their data from being scraped. Before attempting to scrape data from any website, you should always check the website's terms of use and ensure that you are not violating any of their policies or any laws.

Assuming that you have the legal right to scrape data from Immowelt, you can use a variety of methods and tools to do so. Below, I will outline a basic process for scraping data using Python with the requests and BeautifulSoup libraries, as well as an example using Node.js with the axios and cheerio libraries.

Python Example with requests and BeautifulSoup

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Replace with the actual URL you want to scrape
url = ''

headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +'

# Make a request to the website
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

# Check if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
    # Parse the HTML content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

    # Find the elements containing the data you want to scrape
    # This will vary depending on the structure of the webpage
    listings = soup.find_all('div', class_='listitem_wrap')

    for listing in listings:
        # Extract the relevant data from each listing
        title = listing.find('h2', class_='ellipsis').text.strip()
        price = listing.find('div', class_='hardfacts').text.strip()
        location = listing.find('div', class_='listlocation').text.strip()

        print(f'Title: {title}')
        print(f'Price: {price}')
        print(f'Location: {location}')
    print('Failed to retrieve the webpage')

Node.js Example with axios and cheerio

const axios = require('axios');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');

// Replace with the actual URL you want to scrape
const url = '';

axios.get(url, {
    headers: {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +'
}).then(response => {
    // Load the HTML content into cheerio
    const $ = cheerio.load(;

    // Find the elements containing the data you want to scrape
    // This will vary depending on the structure of the webpage
    $('.listitem_wrap').each((index, element) => {
        // Extract the relevant data from each listing
        const title = $(element).find('h2.ellipsis').text().trim();
        const price = $(element).find('div.hardfacts').text().trim();
        const location = $(element).find('div.listlocation').text().trim();

        console.log(`Title: ${title}`);
        console.log(`Price: ${price}`);
        console.log(`Location: ${location}`);
}).catch(error => {
    console.error('Failed to retrieve the webpage', error);

Important Considerations

  1. Respect robots.txt: Check Immowelt's robots.txt file (typically found at to see if they disallow scraping. If the robots.txt file specifies that scraping is not allowed, you should not proceed.

  2. Rate Limiting: To avoid being blocked, consider adding delays between your requests. Websites may block your IP if they detect too many requests in a short period.

  3. User-Agent: Some websites check the User-Agent header to block bots. Using a common web browser's user-agent string can sometimes help avoid detection.

  4. JavaScript Rendering: If the data on Immowelt is loaded dynamically via JavaScript, you might need to use tools like Selenium, Puppeteer, or Playwright to simulate a browser and execute the JavaScript code to access the data.

  5. Legal and Ethical Issues: Always make sure that web scraping is performed legally and ethically. Do not scrape personal data without permission, and do not use scraped data for malicious purposes.

  6. API Alternatives: Before scraping, check if Immowelt offers a public API that could provide the data you need. Using an API is usually more reliable and respectful of the service provider's resources.

Real-time scraping typically involves setting up a scraper that can run at intervals (using cron jobs, for example) to get the most up-to-date data. However, for a real-time application, you would need to consider the frequency at which new data is posted and the potential for being blocked for scraping too frequently.

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