Can IronWebScraper be used for screen scraping applications?

IronWebScraper is a C# library specifically designed for web scraping, which means it is intended for extracting data from websites. It can handle tasks such as parsing HTML, making HTTP requests, and handling JavaScript-rendered pages to some extent. However, the term "screen scraping" usually refers to the practice of extracting data from the display output of an application, such as scraping data from a desktop software, terminal session, or other graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that weren't necessarily designed to be accessed programmatically.

If by "screen scraping" you are referring to extracting data from web pages, then yes, IronWebScraper can be used for that purpose as it is designed to scrape content from web pages. It provides a simple API that can be used from within a C# application to navigate web pages and extract the required information. Here's a basic example of how to use IronWebScraper in a C# application:

using IronWebScraper;

class BlogScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
        this.Request("", Parse);

    public override void Parse(Response response)
        foreach (var title_link in response.Css("h2.entry-title a"))
            string title = title_link.TextContentClean;
            string link = title_link.Attributes["href"];
            Console.WriteLine(title + " - " + link);

        // If there are more pages, paginate
        if (response.CssExists("div.pagination"))
            var next_page = response.Css("div.pagination")[0].Attributes["href"];
            this.Request(next_page, Parse);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var scraper = new BlogScraper();
        scraper.Start(); // Start the scraper

However, if your definition of "screen scraping" involves scraping from non-web applications or interfaces, then IronWebScraper is not the right tool for the job. For desktop applications, you would typically use automation tools that interact with the GUI, like:

  • AutoIt or AutoHotkey for Windows applications.
  • SikuliX which uses image recognition to identify and interact with GUI components.
  • Pywinauto or pyautogui for Python automation of Windows GUIs.

For scraping data from terminal applications or command-line interfaces, you might use text processing tools like:

  • GNU tools (grep, awk, sed) if you're working in a Unix-like environment.
  • PowerShell cmdlets in Windows.

Remember that screen scraping, particularly from web pages, must be done in compliance with the terms of service of the website and respect copyright laws and data protection regulations. Always review these before scraping any website or application.

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WebScraping.AI provides rotating proxies, Chromium rendering and built-in HTML parser for web scraping