Can IronWebScraper integrate with my existing .NET applications?

Yes, IronWebScraper can be integrated with your existing .NET applications. IronWebScraper is a .NET library specifically designed for web scraping, making it easy to extract data from websites and integrate with C# or VB.NET applications.

Here's how you can get started with integrating IronWebScraper into your .NET project:

Step 1: Install IronWebScraper

First, you'll need to install the IronWebScraper NuGet package. You can do this using the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio or by running the following command in the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package IronWebScraper

Alternatively, you can use the .NET CLI to install the package:

dotnet add package IronWebScraper

Step 2: Add Using Directives

In the C# file where you want to perform web scraping, you'll need to add the following using directive:

using IronWebScraper;

Step 3: Create a Scraper Class

You can create a new class that extends from WebScraper and override the Init and Parse methods to define your web scraping logic:

using System;
using IronWebScraper;

public class MyScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
        this.Request("", Parse);

    public override void Parse(Response response)
        foreach (var title in response.Css("h1"))

        // If there are more pages, you can continue to scrape them as well
        // var nextPage = response.Css("").First();
        // if (nextPage != null)
        // {
        //     this.Request(nextPage.Attributes["href"], Parse);
        // }

Step 4: Execute the Scraper

You can execute your scraper by creating an instance of your custom scraper class and calling the Start method:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var scraper = new MyScraper();
        scraper.Start(); // This will start the scrape

Step 5: Handling the Scraped Data

The data you scrape can be handled within the Parse method or you can define custom methods to process the data further, such as saving it to a database, a file, or integrating it with other parts of your application.

Step 6: Testing and Deployment

After you've written your scraper, you'll want to test it thoroughly to ensure it behaves as expected. Once you're satisfied with its functionality, you can integrate it into your existing .NET applications and deploy it as necessary.

Remember that web scraping should be done responsibly and ethically. Always check a website's robots.txt file and terms of service to ensure you are allowed to scrape it, and be mindful not to overload the website's servers with too many requests in a short period.

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WebScraping.AI provides rotating proxies, Chromium rendering and built-in HTML parser for web scraping