How can I use IronWebScraper to scrape AJAX-loaded content?

IronWebScraper is a C# web scraping library designed for .NET developers to easily extract data from websites. It can handle AJAX-loaded content by using its in-built browser engine to render JavaScript, making it possible to scrape content that is dynamically loaded.

To scrape AJAX-loaded content using IronWebScraper, you'll need to create a new web scraping class that inherits from the WebScraper class and override the Parse method. The Parse method will be invoked when the scraper navigates to a web page, and you can use it to interact with the page and extract the data you need.

Here is an example of how to scrape AJAX-loaded content using IronWebScraper:

using IronWebScraper;

public class AjaxContentScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        // Start by navigating to the page that contains the AJAX-loaded content
        this.Request("", Parse);

    public override void Parse(Response response)
        // Wait for the AJAX content to load

        // Now you can query the page as normal
        foreach (var element in response.Css("div.ajax-loaded-content"))
            // Extract the data you want from the AJAX-loaded content
            string content = element.TextContentClean;

            // Do something with the data, like save it to a file or database

        // If there are pagination links or additional AJAX calls to make, you can queue them here
        // For example, if there's a "Next" button that loads more content via AJAX:
        var nextButton = response.Css("");
        if (nextButton.Length > 0)
            string nextUrl = nextButton[0].Attributes["href"];
            this.Request(nextUrl, Parse);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Instantiate your scraper and begin scraping
        var scraper = new AjaxContentScraper();

To run this code, you need to include IronWebScraper in your project. You can install it via NuGet with the following command:

Install-Package IronWebScraper

Remember to replace with the actual URL you want to scrape and modify the CSS selectors like div.ajax-loaded-content and to match the elements on the web page you're scraping.

Note that while IronWebScraper can handle many AJAX-loaded scenarios, some websites might still pose challenges due to complex JavaScript interactions or anti-scraping measures. Always ensure you are complying with the website's terms of service and robots.txt file when scraping content.

Also, keep in mind that web scraping can be resource-intensive, and continuously scraping a website can put a load on the server. It's good practice to respect the website's resources by limiting the frequency of requests and by scraping during off-peak hours if possible.

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