How do I manage sessions and authentication with jsoup?

Jsoup is a Java library designed for parsing, extracting, and manipulating HTML content. It focuses primarily on the HTML DOM and does not have built-in support for managing sessions or handling complex authentication schemes. However, you can manage sessions and simple authentication by sending cookies and setting request headers.

Managing Sessions

When you need to manage a session, typically you must send a session cookie received from the server with each subsequent request. Here's how you can manage sessions with jsoup:

import org.jsoup.Connection;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;

import java.util.Map;

public class JsoupSessionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Initial request to get the session cookie
        Connection.Response loginForm = Jsoup.connect("")

        // Extract the cookies received from the server
        Map<String, String> sessionCookies = loginForm.cookies();

        // Send form parameters along with cookies to simulate a login
        Connection.Response response = Jsoup.connect("")
                .data("username", "yourUsername", "password", "yourPassword")

        // Update session cookies if needed

        // Make a request to a protected page using the cookies
        Document dashboard = Jsoup.connect("")


Handling Authentication

For basic authentication, you can set the appropriate header on the request. Here's an example of how to do this with jsoup:

import org.jsoup.Connection;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;

import java.util.Base64;

public class JsoupBasicAuthExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String login = "yourUsername:yourPassword";
        String base64login = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(login.getBytes()));

        // Make a request with basic authentication
        Document doc = Jsoup.connect("")
                .header("Authorization", "Basic " + base64login)


For more complex authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth or form-based authentication with CSRF tokens, you might need to perform additional steps, including handling redirections, extracting tokens, and making multiple requests. Jsoup alone may not be sufficient for such scenarios, and you might need to use additional libraries like Apache HttpClient or OkHttp to manage these more complex workflows.

Remember that web scraping and automated login can be against the terms of service of many websites. Always ensure you have permission to scrape a site and that you are not violating any terms or laws.

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