How can I avoid being blocked while scraping Leboncoin?

Scraping websites like Leboncoin can be challenging because many websites implement measures to detect and block scrapers. Here are some strategies to avoid being blocked while scraping such sites. Keep in mind that you should always respect the website's robots.txt file and Terms of Service.

1. Follow robots.txt Guidelines

Before you start scraping, check the robots.txt file of the website (e.g., It will tell you which parts of the site you are allowed to scrape.

2. User-Agent Rotation

Websites can identify a scraper by the User-Agent string. Rotate between different User-Agent strings to mimic real users.

3. IP Rotation / Proxy Usage

If a single IP is making too many requests, it can be blocked. Use a proxy server or a pool of proxy servers to rotate your IP address.

4. Request Throttling

Sending requests too quickly can trigger anti-scraping measures. Throttle your requests to simulate human browsing speeds.

5. CAPTCHA Solving

Some websites present CAPTCHAs to verify that the user is a human. There are CAPTCHA solving services that you can integrate into your scraper, but this can be a legal and ethical gray area.

6. Use Headless Browsers Sparingly

Headless browsers can execute JavaScript and mimic real user behavior, but they are also more resource-intensive and can be detected by sophisticated anti-bot measures. Use them only when necessary.

7. Respect the Site’s Structure

Don’t cause any harm to the website's infrastructure by overloading their servers with requests. This is both polite and practical, as it reduces the chances of being detected and blocked.

8. Session Management

Maintain sessions when needed. Some websites track your session and if they see requests coming without a valid session, they might block you.

9. Referer Header

Set the HTTP Referer header to make requests look like they are coming from within the website.

Code Examples

Below are basic examples of web scraping with Python using requests and JavaScript using node-fetch. These examples do not include all the strategies mentioned above but give you a starting point. Remember to add error handling and implement the strategies like delay between requests, proxies, and user-agent rotation for a more robust scraper.

Python Example using requests

import requests
from time import sleep

headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'Your User-Agent String Here',
    'Referer': ''

proxies = {
    'http': 'http://yourproxyaddress:port',
    'https': 'https://yourproxyaddress:port'

url = ''

    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies)
    # Implement a suitable delay between requests
    if response.status_code == 200:
        # Process the page
        # Handle HTTP errors
        print('Error:', response.status_code)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
    # Handle exceptions

JavaScript Example using node-fetch

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'Your User-Agent String Here',
    'Referer': ''

const proxyUrl = 'http://yourproxyaddress:port';
const targetUrl = '';

fetch(targetUrl, {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: headers,
    // Use a proxy if necessary
    // agent: new HttpsProxyAgent(proxyUrl)
.then(response => {
    if (response.ok) {
        return response.text();
    throw new Error('Network response was not ok.');
.then(html => {
    // Process the page
.catch(error => {
    // Handle exceptions
    console.error('Fetch error:', error.message);

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Scraping websites against their Terms of Service could lead to legal consequences. Always ensure you're acting within the legal framework and with respect to the website's usage policies. If the data is sensitive or personal, ethical considerations are paramount, and you should refrain from scraping such information.

Finally, consider reaching out to the site owner to ask for permission to scrape or to see if they have an API that you can use legally and without the risk of being blocked.

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