What is the process for handling pagination with MechanicalSoup?

MechanicalSoup is a Python library that provides a simple way to automate interaction with websites, including handling forms, logging into websites, and scraping data. When dealing with pagination on a website, you need to iterate through pages and scrape the data from each one. Here's a step-by-step process for handling pagination with MechanicalSoup:

Step 1: Import MechanicalSoup

First, you need to import the MechanicalSoup library. If you haven't installed it yet, you can install it via pip:

pip install MechanicalSoup

Then, import it in your Python script:

import mechanicalsoup

Step 2: Create a Browser Object

Create a Browser object to interact with the web:

browser = mechanicalsoup.Browser()

Step 3: Load the Initial Page

Load the initial page that you want to scrape:

url = "http://example.com/page1"
page = browser.get(url)

Step 4: Scrape the Data

Scrape the necessary data from the first page. The scraping process will depend on the structure of the webpage and the data you want to extract:

soup = page.soup
data = soup.select('div.data-container')  # Example CSS selector
for item in data:
    # Process the data here

Step 5: Find the Link to the Next Page

Find the link to the next page. This could be a 'Next' button or a direct link to the page number. You must inspect the HTML structure of the website to determine how the pagination is implemented:

next_page_link = soup.select_one('a.next-page')  # Example CSS selector for 'Next' button

Step 6: Loop Through the Pages

Loop through the pages by following the 'Next' link or incrementing the page number in the URL. Be careful to include a condition to break out of the loop when you reach the last page:

while next_page_link:
    next_page_url = next_page_link['href']
    page = browser.get(next_page_url)
    soup = page.soup

    # Scrape data as before
    data = soup.select('div.data-container')
    for item in data:

    # Find the next page link again
    next_page_link = soup.select_one('a.next-page')

    # Optional: sleep to avoid overwhelming the server
    # import time
    # time.sleep(1)


Here's a full example that puts all the steps together:

import mechanicalsoup

# Create a browser object
browser = mechanicalsoup.Browser()

# Initial URL (replace with the actual URL you want to scrape)
url = "http://example.com/page1"
page = browser.get(url)

while True:
    # Parse the current page
    soup = page.soup

    # Scrape your data
    data = soup.select('div.data-container')
    for item in data:

    # Find the next page link
    next_page_link = soup.select_one('a.next-page')

    # Break the loop if there's no next page
    if not next_page_link:

    # Follow the next page link
    next_page_url = next_page_link['href']
    page = browser.get(next_page_url)

    # Optional: sleep to avoid rate limits or server overload
    # import time
    # time.sleep(1)

When using MechanicalSoup or any web scraping tool, it is important to respect the terms of service of the website and the legal considerations regarding scraping. Always check the robots.txt file of the website and ensure that your scraping activities do not overload the server or breach any usage policies.

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