How do you debug issues when using Mechanize?

Debugging issues when using Mechanize, a library in Python that acts like a browser for web scraping, involves several techniques. Here are some ways to debug common problems:

1. Enable Logging

Mechanize has built-in logging, which can be extremely helpful for seeing what's happening under the hood. You can enable logging to stdout to get detailed info about the HTTP requests and responses.

import mechanize
import logging

# Set up logging
logger = logging.getLogger('mechanize')

# Create a browser object
br = mechanize.Browser()

# Now use the browser object to navigate, the logs will be outputted to stdout'')

2. Inspect HTTP Headers and Forms

Sometimes the issue is with the HTTP headers or forms not being set correctly. Mechanize allows you to inspect and modify these:

# Inspect response headers
response ='')
print(  # Print headers

# Inspect forms
for form in br.forms():

3. Check for Exceptions

Mechanize can raise various exceptions. Make sure to handle them properly to understand what the issue might be:

from mechanize import HTTPError, URLError

    response ='')
except HTTPError as e:
    print('Server couldn’t fulfill the request.')
    print('Error code: ', e.code)
except URLError as e:
    print('Failed to reach a server.')
    print('Reason: ', e.reason)
    # everything is fine

4. Inspect Page Content

Sometimes you might need to look at the page content to understand why your code isn't working:

response ='')
content =
print(content)  # Prints the page content

5. Use Browser History and Debugging Flags

Mechanize's browser objects can store history and have debugging flags that can be set to aid in debugging:


response ='')
# Navigate, submit forms, etc. while debug info is printed out

6. Check for JavaScript

Remember, Mechanize does not handle JavaScript. If the website relies heavily on JavaScript to render content or process forms, Mechanize may not work correctly. In such cases, you might need to switch to a tool like Selenium or Puppeteer.

7. Test Individual Pieces

Isolate and test individual pieces of your scraping code to ensure that each part is working as expected. This could involve testing form submission, link clicking, cookie handling, etc.

8. Use a Proxy

If you suspect the server is blocking your requests, you could use a proxy to see if the problem persists.

br.set_proxies({"http": ""})

9. Other Tools

For more complex issues, you may need to use a network analyzer like Wireshark to inspect the traffic between Mechanize and the server.

Remember to always respect the terms of service of the website you are scraping and to scrape responsibly.


Debugging Mechanize scripts involves a methodical approach. Start by enabling logging to get detailed request/response information, inspect HTTP headers, forms and page content, handle exceptions properly, and remember that Mechanize doesn't handle JavaScript. If you've tried all these steps and are still facing issues, it may be time to switch to a different tool or approach.

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