Selecting Sibling Elements with Nokogiri
Nokogiri is a Ruby library for parsing HTML and XML. To select sibling elements, you can use various methods provided by Nokogiri such as next_sibling
, previous_sibling
, next_element
, previous_element
, next
, previous
, and CSS or XPath selectors.
Here's how to select sibling elements using Nokogiri:
Using CSS Selectors
CSS selectors are a convenient way to navigate through elements in an HTML document.
require 'nokogiri'
# Assuming you have your HTML content in html_content
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_content)
# To select the next sibling with a class name
sibling = doc.at_css('.your-class').next_sibling
# If you want to select the next element (ignoring text nodes)
next_element = doc.at_css('.your-class').next_element
# To select the previous sibling with a specific class
previous_sibling = doc.at_css('.your-class').previous_sibling
# To select the previous element (ignoring text nodes)
previous_element = doc.at_css('.your-class').previous_element
Using XPath Selectors
XPath is a language for selecting nodes in XML documents, which can also be used with HTML.
require 'nokogiri'
# Assuming you have your HTML content in html_content
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_content)
# To select the next sibling using XPath
sibling = doc.at_xpath('//*[contains(@class, "your-class")]/following-sibling::*[1]')
# To select the previous sibling using XPath
previous_sibling = doc.at_xpath('//*[contains(@class, "your-class")]/preceding-sibling::*[1]')
Selecting Parent Elements with Nokogiri
To select parent elements of a given node, you can use the parent
method or the appropriate XPath selectors.
Using Method Chaining
require 'nokogiri'
# Assuming you have your HTML content in html_content
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_content)
# To select the parent of an element with a specific class
parent = doc.at_css('.child-class').parent
Using XPath Selectors
require 'nokogiri'
# Assuming you have your HTML content in html_content
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_content)
# To select the parent of an element using XPath
parent = doc.at_xpath('//*[contains(@class, "child-class")]/..')
Examples in Context
Let's say you have the following HTML snippet and you want to select the span
element that is a sibling of the div
with class my-div
, and its parent section
<div class="my-div">This is a div.</div>
<span>This is a span.</span>
Select the Sibling span
require 'nokogiri'
html_content = <<-HTML
<div class="my-div">This is a div.</div>
<span>This is a span.</span>
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_content)
span_sibling = doc.at_css('.my-div').next_sibling # This includes text nodes
span_element_sibling = doc.at_css('.my-div').next_element # This is the <span> element
puts span_element_sibling.to_html # => <span>This is a span.</span>
Select the Parent section
require 'nokogiri'
html_content = <<-HTML
<div class="my-div">This is a div.</div>
<span>This is a span.</span>
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_content)
parent_section = doc.at_css('.my-div').parent
puts parent_section.to_html # => <section>...</section> (with its inner content)
These examples demonstrate how to navigate through an HTML document using Nokogiri to select sibling and parent elements. Remember to adjust the selectors according to the structure of your HTML document.