What is XPath and how does Nokogiri support it?

What is XPath?

XPath, short for XML Path Language, is a query language that allows you to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document. XPath is used to select nodes from an XML document, which is also commonly used with HTML documents despite HTML not being strictly XML. XPath provides various ways to traverse the XML tree structure, allowing for the selection of elements by their attributes, hierarchical position, or even by applying logical operations.

Nokogiri and XPath Support

Nokogiri is a popular Ruby library used for parsing HTML and XML documents, and it provides extensive support for XPath. With Nokogiri, you can use XPath expressions to locate and manipulate nodes in an XML or HTML document, making it a powerful tool for web scraping or XML data processing.

Here's how you can use XPath with Nokogiri:

Installing Nokogiri

Before you can use Nokogiri, you need to install the gem. You can do this from the command line:

gem install nokogiri

Using XPath with Nokogiri

Here's a simple example of how to use Nokogiri with XPath in Ruby:

require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'

# Fetch and parse an HTML document
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(URI.open('http://www.example.com'))

# Use an XPath expression to select nodes
nodes = doc.xpath('//h1')

# Iterate over selected nodes
nodes.each do |node|
  puts node.text

In the example above, doc.xpath('//h1') is an XPath expression that selects all <h1> elements in the document. Nokogiri allows you to iterate over these elements and work with their content, attributes, or even modify them.

XPath Syntax Basics

The XPath syntax provides various ways to select nodes:

  • nodename: Selects all nodes with the name nodename.
  • /: Selects from the root node.
  • //: Selects nodes from the current node that match the selection, no matter where they are.
  • .: Selects the current node.
  • ..: Selects the parent of the current node.
  • @: Selects attributes.

For example:

  • //div: Selects all <div> elements in the document.
  • //div[@class='example']: Selects all <div> elements with a class attribute of 'example'.
  • //a/@href: Selects the href attribute of all <a> elements.

Advanced XPath

XPath also supports more advanced features such as predicates, functions, and operators. For instance, you can select the first <div> in a document with //div[1], or select all <div> elements that contain an <a> element with //div[a].


Nokogiri's support for XPath makes it an incredibly effective tool for parsing and extracting information from XML and HTML documents in Ruby. Its ability to handle complex queries allows developers to target specific parts of a document with precision, simplifying web scraping tasks and XML data handling.

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