Can I run Pholcus on cloud platforms like AWS or Google Cloud?

Pholcus is a distributed, high-concurrency, and powerful web crawler software written in the Go language, designed for handling web scraping tasks. It can indeed be run on cloud platforms like AWS or Google Cloud, just like any other software that you can package and deploy to a virtual machine or container.

To run Pholcus on a cloud platform, you typically have two main options:

  1. Virtual Machine (VM) Deployment: Launch a VM instance on your cloud platform, install Go and Pholcus, and then run your web scraping tasks.

  2. Container Deployment: Package Pholcus into a Docker container, and then deploy it to a container service such as Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) or Google Kubernetes Engine.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to deploy Pholcus on AWS using an EC2 instance:

Virtual Machine Deployment on AWS

  1. Launch an EC2 Instance:

    • Go to the AWS EC2 dashboard and launch a new instance.
    • Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that supports Go, or a base Linux image that you can set up Go on.
    • Select the instance type you need and configure the instance details.
    • Add storage if needed.
    • Configure your security group to allow necessary traffic (e.g., SSH for remote access).
    • Review and launch the instance.
  2. Connect to the EC2 Instance:

    • Use SSH to connect to the instance after it's up and running:
     ssh -i /path/to/your-key.pem ec2-user@your-ec2-instance-public-dns
  3. Install Go (if not pre-installed):

    • Download and install Go:
     sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    • Add Go to your path by appending the following lines to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc:
     export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
    • Reload your profile:
     source ~/.bash_profile
  4. Install Pholcus:

    • Clone the Pholcus repository and install it:
     go get -u -v
  5. Run Pholcus:

    • Navigate to your Pholcus project directory and run it:
     go run pholcus.go
    • Alternatively, you could build an executable and then run it:
     go build pholcus.go

Container Deployment

  1. Create a Dockerfile for Pholcus:

    • Start with a base Go image:
     FROM golang:1.17.5
    • Copy your Pholcus project into the image and build it:
     WORKDIR /app
     COPY . .
     RUN go build -o pholcus .
    • Set the entry point to your compiled Pholcus executable:
     ENTRYPOINT ["./pholcus"]
  2. Build your Docker image:

   docker build -t pholcus-image .
  1. Push it to a Docker registry (like Amazon ECR or Docker Hub):
   docker push your-username/pholcus-image
  1. Deploy your container to a service like Amazon ECS:
    • Create a new task definition with your Pholcus image.
    • Run the task definition on ECS.

Whether you choose VM or container deployment depends on your preferences, management needs, scalability requirements, and familiarity with these technologies. Both AWS and Google Cloud offer extensive documentation and support to help you deploy your applications on their services.

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WebScraping.AI provides rotating proxies, Chromium rendering and built-in HTML parser for web scraping