Can I perform drag and drop actions using Playwright?

Yes, you can perform drag and drop actions using Playwright. Playwright is a Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit browsers with a single API. Playwright is capable of simulating complex user gestures, including drag and drop.

In order to simulate drag and drop, you need to simulate three major actions: 1. Move the mouse to the drag target. 2. Press the left mouse button down. 3. Move the mouse to the drop target. 4. Release the left mouse button.

Here is an example of how you can use Playwright's API to perform a drag and drop in JavaScript:

const { chromium } = require('playwright');

(async () => {
    const browser = await chromium.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto('');

    const dragTarget = await page.$('#drag-target');
    const dropTarget = await page.$('#drop-target');

    const dragTargetBox = await dragTarget.boundingBox();
    const dropTargetBox = await dropTarget.boundingBox();

    await page.mouse.move(dragTargetBox.x + dragTargetBox.width / 2, dragTargetBox.y + dragTargetBox.height / 2);
    await page.mouse.down();
    await page.mouse.move(dropTargetBox.x + dropTargetBox.width / 2, dropTargetBox.y + dropTargetBox.height / 2);
    await page.mouse.up();

    await browser.close();

This code first navigates to your website, then it locates the drag target and drop target by their CSS selectors. It then calculates the center of each target. The mouse is moved over the drag target, the left button is pressed to grab the target, it is then moved over the drop target, and finally the left button is released to drop the target.

Please replace, #drag-target and #drop-target with your actual website URL and appropriate CSS selectors.

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