What are the ways to interact with input elements in Playwright?

Playwright is a Node.js library used for browser automation. It supports multiple browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and WebKit. With Playwright, you can interact with input elements on a webpage in various ways. Here are a few methods:

1. page.type(selector, text[, options])

This method types the text into an input element selected by the provided selector.

await page.type('#myinput', 'Hello world');

2. page.fill(selector, value)

This method fills the input element with the provided value.

await page.fill('#myinput', 'Hello world');

3. page.click(selector[, options])

This method clicks an input element selected by the provided selector.

await page.click('#mybutton');

4. page.check(selector[, options]) and page.uncheck(selector[, options])

These methods can be used to interact with checkboxes.

await page.check('#mycheckbox');
await page.uncheck('#mycheckbox');

5. page.selectOption(selector, values[, options])

This method is used to select options in a dropdown.

await page.selectOption('#myselect', 'value1');  // Single selection
await page.selectOption('#myselect', ['value1', 'value2']);  // Multiple selections

6. page.setInputFiles(selector, files[, options])

This method is used to set files for input elements of type file.

await page.setInputFiles('#myinput', 'path/to/file');

These are just a few of many methods provided by Playwright to interact with input elements. Remember that all these methods return a Promise, so you have to await for them to resolve.

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