What are residential proxies and how do they work?

What are Residential Proxies?

Residential proxies are IP addresses provided by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to homeowners. These proxies represent legitimate IP addresses attached to a physical location. Unlike datacenter proxies, which are IP addresses created and provided by data centers, residential proxies are considered more legitimate and less likely to be blocked or banned by websites.

How Do Residential Proxies Work?

When you use a residential proxy, your internet traffic is routed through an intermediary server. This server changes your IP address to the residential IP provided by the proxy service. Here's a step-by-step illustration of how residential proxies work:

  1. User Connection: You connect to the residential proxy server.
  2. Proxy Server: The proxy server assigns you a residential IP address. This IP address belongs to a real device in a home somewhere in the world.
  3. Traffic Routing: Your internet traffic is routed through the residential IP.
  4. Website Interaction: When you access a website, it sees the traffic coming from the residential IP instead of your original IP.
  5. Response Routing: The website sends the response back to the residential IP.
  6. Back to You: The residential proxy server forwards the response from the website to your original IP address.

Advantages of Residential Proxies

  • Less Likely to Be Detected: Since the IP addresses are legitimate and associated with actual residences, they are less likely to be flagged as proxies by websites.
  • High Anonymity: They provide a high level of anonymity because they mask the user's original IP address.
  • Geo-targeting: Residential proxies can be used to access geo-restricted content, as they can provide IP addresses from specific locations or countries.
  • Ad Verification: Companies use residential proxies to verify ads displayed on their websites, ensuring that the ads are not being served to bots but to real users.

Disadvantages of Residential Proxies

  • Cost: They are generally more expensive than datacenter proxies because they offer real IP addresses from ISPs.
  • Limited Pool: The pool of available residential IP addresses may be limited compared to datacenter proxies.
  • Ethical Concerns: Some residential proxy providers may obtain their IP addresses through unethical means, such as by unknowingly installing software on users' devices.

Use Cases for Residential Proxies

  • Web Scraping: For scraping websites without getting banned or rate-limited, as they allow requests to appear as if they come from different users.
  • Ad Verification: To check if ads are being displayed correctly across different regions.
  • Market Research: To perform market analysis from the perspective of different geographic locations.
  • Social Media Management: For managing multiple accounts without triggering security measures that detect and block multiple accounts operated from a single IP address.


Residential proxies are a powerful tool for users who need to mask their IP addresses with legitimate residential IPs. They are particularly useful in scenarios where trust and legitimacy are paramount. However, due to their cost and potential ethical issues regarding their sourcing, they should be chosen carefully and used responsibly.

When integrating residential proxies into applications, developers would typically configure their code to route requests through the proxy server. Here are examples of how to use a proxy in code:

Python (requests library)

import requests

# Define the proxy address and port
proxies = {
    'http': 'http://username:password@residentialproxy:port',
    'https': 'http://username:password@residentialproxy:port',

# Make a request via the residential proxy
response = requests.get('http://example.com', proxies=proxies)

JavaScript (Node.js with axios)

const axios = require('axios');

// Define the proxy configuration
const proxyConfig = {
  host: 'residentialproxy',
  port: port,
  auth: {
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password'

// Make a request via the residential proxy
axios.get('http://example.com', { proxy: proxyConfig })
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Please note that in a real-world scenario, you would replace 'username', 'password', 'residentialproxy', and 'port' with actual values provided by your residential proxy service provider.

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