What are the event listeners available in Puppeteer-Sharp?

Puppeteer-Sharp is a .NET port of the Node library Puppeteer which provides a high-level API over the Chrome DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer-Sharp is used for automating and controlling a headless Chrome or Chromium browser.

In Puppeteer-Sharp, you can listen to various browser-related events, which are useful for handling different aspects of page navigation and interaction. Event listeners in Puppeteer-Sharp are generally available on the Page, Browser, and BrowserContext classes, among others.

Here are some of the commonly used event listeners:

On the Page Class

  • Page.Dialog: Fired when a dialog appears (alert, prompt, confirm, or beforeunload).
  • Page.Console: Fired when a console message is emitted within the page.
  • Page.Load: Emitted when the load event is dispatched on the page.
  • Page.DOMContentLoaded: Fired when the DOMContentLoaded event is dispatched.
  • Page.Error: Fired when an uncaught exception happens within the page.
  • Page.Request: Emitted when a request is issued from the page.
  • Page.Response: Emitted when a response is received for a request.
  • Page.RequestFailed: Emitted when a request fails.
  • Page.RequestFinished: Emitted when a request finishes successfully.
  • Page.FrameAttached: Fired when a frame is attached to the page.
  • Page.FrameDetached: Fired when a frame is detached from the page.
  • Page.FrameNavigated: Fired when a frame navigates to a new URL.

On the Browser Class

  • Browser.TargetCreated: Emitted when a new page target is created.
  • Browser.TargetDestroyed: Emitted when a page target is destroyed.
  • Browser.TargetChanged: Emitted when the URL of a target changes.
  • Browser.Disconnected: Fired when the browser gets disconnected from the Chromium instance.

On the BrowserContext Class

  • BrowserContext.TargetCreated: Similar to Browser.TargetCreated, but for a specific browser context.
  • BrowserContext.TargetDestroyed: Similar to Browser.TargetDestroyed, but for a specific browser context.
  • BrowserContext.TargetChanged: Similar to Browser.TargetChanged, but for a specific browser context.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how you might use some of these event listeners in a Puppeteer-Sharp script:

using PuppeteerSharp;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program
    public static async Task Main()
        await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);
        var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions
            Headless = true

        var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();

        // Listen for console messages
        page.Console += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"CONSOLE: {e.Message.Text}");

        // Listen for requests
        page.Request += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"REQUEST: {e.Request.Url}");

        // Listen for responses
        page.Response += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"RESPONSE: {e.Response.Url} - {e.Response.Status}");

        // Navigate to a page
        await page.GoToAsync("http://example.com");

        // Close the browser
        await browser.CloseAsync();

In the example above, we attach event handlers to the Console, Request, and Response events to log information to the console. The script sets up a headless browser, creates a new page, and navigates to http://example.com, all the while listening for the specified events.

Please note that event names in Puppeteer-Sharp are members of corresponding classes and are used as event properties rather than strings, which is different from the JavaScript version of Puppeteer.

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