What methods are available for page interaction in Puppeteer-Sharp?

Puppeteer-Sharp is a .NET port of the Node library Puppeteer which provides a high-level API over the Chrome DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer-Sharp allows you to control headless Chrome or Chromium or to interact with the graphical version of Chrome or Chromium. It's primarily used for browser automation, web scraping, and automated testing.

When it comes to page interactions, Puppeteer-Sharp offers a wide range of methods that can simulate user activities. Here are some of the common methods available for page interaction:

  1. Clicking Elements:
// Click an element
await page.ClickAsync("selector");

// Click an element with specific options like button type and click count
await page.ClickAsync("selector", new ClickOptions { Button = MouseButton.Left, ClickCount = 1 });
  1. Typing Text:
// Type text into an input element
await page.TypeAsync("input[name='email']", "example@example.com");

// Press a specific key
await page.Keyboard.PressAsync("Enter");
  1. Keyboard Events:
// Send a key down event
await page.Keyboard.DownAsync("Shift");

// Send a key up event
await page.Keyboard.UpAsync("Shift");
  1. Mouse Events:
// Move the mouse to specific coordinates
await page.Mouse.MoveAsync(x, y);

// Click with the mouse at the current position
await page.Mouse.ClickAsync(x, y);

// Mouse down event
await page.Mouse.DownAsync(new MouseButtonOptions { Button = MouseButton.Left });

// Mouse up event
await page.Mouse.UpAsync(new MouseButtonOptions { Button = MouseButton.Left });
  1. Dragging Elements:
// Dragging an element would involve a combination of mouse down, move, and mouse up events.
await page.Mouse.MoveAsync(startX, startY);
await page.Mouse.DownAsync();
await page.Mouse.MoveAsync(endX, endY);
await page.Mouse.UpAsync();
  1. Selecting Dropdowns:
// Select an option from a dropdown select element
await page.SelectAsync("select#options", "valueOfOption");
  1. Handling Frames:
// Interact with an iframe or frame within a page
var frame = await page.GetFrameAsync("frameName");
await frame.ClickAsync("selector");
  1. Executing JavaScript:
// Evaluate JavaScript code in the context of the page
var result = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync("() => document.title");

// Run JavaScript in the context of a specific element
var elementHandle = await page.QuerySelectorAsync("selector");
var value = await elementHandle.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("el => el.textContent");
  1. Working with Dialogs (Alerts, Prompts, Confirms):
// Listen to dialog events and respond to them
page.Dialog += async (sender, e) =>
    await e.Dialog.AcceptAsync("Text to input if it's a prompt");
  1. Waiting for Selectors:
// Wait for an element to appear in the DOM
await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("selector");

// Wait for an element to be hidden or removed from the DOM
await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("selector", new WaitForSelectorOptions { Hidden = true });
  1. Navigation:
// Go to a specific URL
await page.GoToAsync("https://example.com");

// Wait until the network is idle
await page.GoToAsync("https://example.com", WaitUntilNavigation.Networkidle0);

// Go back to the previous page
await page.GoBackAsync();

// Go forward in the history
await page.GoForwardAsync();

// Reload the current page
await page.ReloadAsync();
  1. Taking Screenshots and PDFs:
// Take a screenshot of the current page
await page.ScreenshotAsync(new ScreenshotOptions { Path = "screenshot.png" });

// Generate a PDF of the current page (only in headless mode)
await page.PdfAsync(new PdfOptions { Path = "page.pdf" });

These methods, among others, provide a comprehensive toolkit for automating and interacting with web pages. When using Puppeteer-Sharp, make sure to handle asynchronous operations correctly, as almost all interactions with the browser are asynchronous. Always await the tasks or manage them with other asynchronous patterns to ensure correct flow and error handling.

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