What are some common selectors I can use in Realestate.com DOM for scraping?

When scraping a website like Realestate.com, which is a real estate listings site, it's important to first check the website's robots.txt file and its Terms of Service to ensure that you're allowed to scrape their data. Many websites have specific rules about how their data can be used, and scraping without permission can be a violation of those terms.

Assuming that scraping is permitted, you can use a variety of selectors to extract information. Common selectors that can be used in a site's DOM (Document Object Model) include:

  1. ID Selectors: These are unique to each element and are prefixed with #.

  2. Class Selectors: These are not unique and can be applied to any number of elements. They are prefixed with ..

  3. Tag Selectors: These select HTML elements by their tag name.

  4. Attribute Selectors: These select elements based on the presence or value of a given attribute.

  5. Pseudo-class Selectors: These are used to define a special state of an element (e.g., :hover, :first-child).

  6. Combination Selectors: These are used to select elements that are descendants or direct children, or that match two criteria at once (e.g., div.listing, ul > li).

When scraping a site like Realestate.com, you'd typically look for elements that contain the details of the listings, such as:

  • Listing titles
  • Prices
  • Addresses
  • Property features (number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.)
  • Images
  • Agent details

Here are examples of what the selectors might look like in CSS (for use with tools like Puppeteer, BeautifulSoup, or Cheerio):

/* For the listing title */

/* For the price */

/* For the address */

/* For property features */

/* For images */

/* For agent details */

Example in Python with BeautifulSoup

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

url = 'https://www.realestate.com.au/buy'
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

# Assuming that listings are contained in an element with the class 'listing'
for listing in soup.select('.listing'):
    title = listing.select_one('.listing-title').text
    price = listing.select_one('.listing-price').text
    address = listing.select_one('.listing-address').text
    features = listing.select_one('.listing-features').text  # You might need to refine this
    print(f'Title: {title}, Price: {price}, Address: {address}, Features: {features}')

Example in JavaScript with Puppeteer

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('https://www.realestate.com.au/buy');

  // Selecting the listing container and extracting information
  const listings = await page.$$eval('.listing', nodes => nodes.map(node => {
    const title = node.querySelector('.listing-title').innerText;
    const price = node.querySelector('.listing-price').innerText;
    const address = node.querySelector('.listing-address').innerText;
    const features = node.querySelector('.listing-features').innerText;  // This may require more processing
    return { title, price, address, features };

  await browser.close();

Please remember that the actual class names and structure of the DOM will vary, and these selectors are just examples. You will need to inspect the DOM of Realestate.com to find the correct selectors that match the current website layout. Also, the HTML structure and class names may change over time, requiring you to update your scraping code accordingly.

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