How do I handle pagination when scraping

When scraping data from a website like, it's crucial to handle pagination correctly to ensure that you can gather data from multiple pages. Websites often display a limited number of items (like real estate listings) per page, and you need to navigate through pages to scrape all the available data.

Here's a step-by-step guide on handling pagination when scraping

1. Analyze the Website Pagination Mechanism

First, you need to understand how implements pagination. Look for patterns in the URL when you navigate from one page to another. Sometimes, the page number is a query parameter in the URL (e.g., ?page=2). In other instances, websites use more complex mechanisms such as dynamically loading content with JavaScript, which may require tools like Selenium to interact with the website.

2. Use a Web Scraping Library

For Python, you can use libraries such as requests for making HTTP requests and BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML content. If the content is loaded dynamically with JavaScript, you might need selenium.

3. Implementing Pagination Logic

You can either scrape a predetermined number of pages or keep scraping until you reach a page that indicates no more data (like a "Next" button being disabled or absent).

Example in Python with Requests and BeautifulSoup

Here's a simple example using Python with the requests and BeautifulSoup libraries. This example assumes that pagination can be managed by incrementing a page number in the URL.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

base_url = ''
location = 'San-Francisco_CA'
page_param = 'pg-'

page_number = 1
while True:
    url = f"{base_url}{location}/{page_param}{page_number}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

    # Check for a condition that indicates no more data
    # For example, if a 'No results' message is found
    if soup.find('div', {'class': 'no-results-message'}):

    # Process listings on the current page
    # This will depend on the structure of the HTML content
    listings = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'listing'})
    for listing in listings:
        # Extract data from listing (e.g., price, address, etc.)
        # ...

    # Increment the page number to move to the next page
    page_number += 1

    # Add a delay between requests to avoid overloading the server

Example in JavaScript with Puppeteer

For JavaScript, you might use Puppeteer, which allows you to automate a headless Chrome browser and is useful for dealing with JavaScript-rendered pages.

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  let page_number = 1;
  let hasMorePages = true;

  while (hasMorePages) {
    const url = `${page_number}`;
    await page.goto(url);

    // Wait for listings to be loaded
    await page.waitForSelector('.listing');

    // Handle the listings on the page
    // ...

    // Check if there's a next page
    // This might involve checking if a 'Next' button is present or not disabled
    const nextPageExists = await page.evaluate(() => {
      const nextButton = document.querySelector('.next-page');
      return nextButton && !nextButton.classList.contains('disabled');

    hasMorePages = nextPageExists;

    // Add a delay between requests to avoid overloading the server
    await page.waitForTimeout(1000);

  await browser.close();

Important Notes

  • Respect robots.txt: Before scraping any website, you should check its robots.txt file (e.g., to see if scraping is permitted.

  • Rate Limiting: Implement delays between requests to prevent being blocked by for sending too many requests in a short period.

  • User-Agent: Set a realistic user-agent to avoid being blocked by's anti-scraping measures.

  • Legal and Ethical Considerations: Always ensure that your web scraping activities comply with legal regulations and the website's terms of service. Scraping real estate listings may have legal implications, and it's important to use the data responsibly and ethically.

Remember, the code examples above may not work directly on due to its complexity and anti-scraping measures. The actual implementation might require more sophisticated techniques, such as handling cookies, CAPTCHAs, and AJAX requests.

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