What is the rate limit for sending requests to Redfin, and how can I respect it?

Redfin, like many other websites, does not publicly disclose the exact rate limits for sending requests to their servers for web scraping purposes. Web scraping Redfin is subject to their terms of service, which typically prohibit automated access to their data without permission. It's important to note that scraping websites without consent can lead to legal issues, and it's essential to respect a website's terms of service and copyright laws.

If you're scraping a website and want to respect the site's server load, a good rule of thumb is to:

  1. Make requests at a human-like pace (e.g., one request every few seconds).
  2. Use a user-agent string that identifies your bot and provides a contact email so the website can reach out if there are issues.
  3. Monitor the robots.txt file on the target website to check for any scraping policies. The robots.txt for Redfin can be found here: https://www.redfin.com/robots.txt.

Here's a general example of how you might set up a respectful scraping script in Python using the requests library and the time library to delay between requests:

import requests
import time

# Replace with the actual URL you want to scrape
url = 'https://www.redfin.com/sample-listing'

# Set a user-agent to identify your scraper
headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'YourBotName (your_email@example.com)'

# Define a rate limit in seconds (e.g., one request every 5 seconds)
rate_limit = 5

    while True:
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

        # Check for rate limiting status codes (429, etc.)
        if response.status_code == 429:
            print("Rate limit exceeded, waiting and retrying...")

        # Process the response if status code is OK
        if response.status_code == 200:
            # Your scraping code here

        # Respect the rate limit

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Scraping interrupted by the user.")

And here is a simple example in JavaScript using Node.js with the axios library and setTimeout to delay between requests:

const axios = require('axios');

// Replace with the actual URL you want to scrape
const url = 'https://www.redfin.com/sample-listing';

// Set a user-agent to identify your scraper
const headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'YourBotName (your_email@example.com)'

// Define a rate limit in milliseconds (e.g., one request every 5000 milliseconds)
const rateLimit = 5000;

const makeRequest = async () => {
    try {
        const response = await axios.get(url, { headers });

        if (response.status === 200) {
            // Your scraping code here
            console.log('Data retrieved');
    } catch (error) {
        if (error.response && error.response.status === 429) {
            console.log('Rate limit exceeded, waiting and retrying...');
        } else {
            console.error('An error occurred:', error.message);
    } finally {
        setTimeout(makeRequest, rateLimit);


Remember, even with these precautions, scraping Redfin or any other website is subject to their terms of use, and there's always the risk of being blocked or facing legal consequences if you violate those terms. It's always best to seek data from official APIs or other data providers that allow for automated access.

If you are looking to obtain Redfin data in a compliant way, consider using their official APIs (if available) or reaching out to them directly to request access or find out if they provide a data feed that meets your needs.

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