Can I use Requests to perform a request with HTTP/2?

As of my last update in 2023, the requests library in Python does not natively support HTTP/2. The requests library relies on the urllib3 library, which does not provide HTTP/2 support either. HTTP/2 support in Python is typically provided by other libraries such as httpx or hyper.

To perform an HTTP/2 request in Python, you can use the httpx library, which is an async-capable HTTP client that has a similar API to requests and supports HTTP/2.

Here's an example of how to use httpx to perform an HTTP/2 request:

import httpx

# Create an HTTP/2 client
client = httpx.Client(http2=True)

    # Perform the request
    response = client.get('')

    # Check if the response was received via HTTP/2
    protocol = response.http_version
    print(f'Response received via: {protocol}')

    # Print the response

    # Close the client

To use httpx, you'll need to install it first. You can install httpx using pip:

pip install httpx

If you specifically want to stick with the requests API and still need HTTP/2 support, you can try using the requests adapter for HTTP/2 provided by hyper, which is a lower-level HTTP/2 client for Python.

Here's an example of how to use hyper with requests to perform an HTTP/2 request:

from hyper.contrib import HTTP20Adapter
import requests

# Create a session
s = requests.Session()
# Mount the HTTP/2 adapter
s.mount('https://', HTTP20Adapter())

# Perform the request
response = s.get('')

# Print the response

To use this approach, you'll need to install hyper:

pip install hyper

Please note that hyper is not actively maintained, and its compatibility with the latest versions of requests might be an issue. Therefore, using httpx is usually the recommended way to make HTTP/2 requests in Python.

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