Can Reqwest manage cookies during a web scraping session?

reqwest is a popular asynchronous HTTP client for Rust, not to be confused with the similarly named request library for JavaScript. While reqwest is primarily used in Rust for making HTTP requests, it does have the capability to manage cookies during a web scraping session.

In Rust, the reqwest library provides an easy way to work with cookies through the use of a CookieStore. When you create a reqwest client with the default settings, it will not persist cookies between requests. To manage cookies, you need to enable the cookie store feature for the client.

Here's how you can enable and use cookies with reqwest in Rust:

First, make sure you have reqwest in your Cargo.toml with the required features enabled:

reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["cookies", "json"] }

Then, you can use the following example code to create a client that manages cookies:

use reqwest::header::{HeaderValue, USER_AGENT};
use reqwest::Client;

async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> {
    // Create a client with cookie store enabled
    let client = Client::builder()
        .cookie_store(true) // Enable cookie store

    // Make a GET request to a website that sets cookies
    let response = client.get("")
        .header(USER_AGENT, HeaderValue::from_static("reqwest"))

    // Check the response and cookies
    println!("Status: {}", response.status());
    println!("Cookies: {:?}", response.cookies());

    // The client will automatically send the cookies on the next request
    let response = client.get("")

    // Check the response
    println!("Status: {}", response.status());


In this code, we create a reqwest client with the .cookie_store(true) option, which instructs reqwest to store and use cookies between requests. This means that any cookies set by the server in the response will be included in subsequent requests made with the same client instance.

Keep in mind that in a real-world scenario, you need to handle errors and possibly deal with more complex situations like cookie domains, paths, expiration, and secure flags. The reqwest library abstracts most of this complexity, but it's good to be aware of these aspects when working with cookies in web scraping.

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